Topical Magnesium Lotion for Feet
Yesterday I had an Integrative Medicine doctor encourage me to try rubbing a topical Magnesium ointment on feet, saying she’s heard it’s an anecdotal remedy for neuropathy feet, especially if they feel like you’re walking on gel pads or bubble wrap and may feel wobbly for balance (not pain). I’m never opposed to trying anything at reasonable costs if it seems to have merit, but while I’m googling where to find it, I thought I’d throw it out to this group and see if anyone has tried it and what results they think they got from it? Thank you 🙂
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My feet get so so so cold and I use life flow, magnesium lotion, and it warms them up at night. I hope it helps you. Best wishes, bcoool123
I use NOW Solutions magnesium chloride flakes. Magnesium chloride has a higher magnesium level and is more readily absorbed than the magnesium sulfite of Epsom Salt. The magnesium sulfate in Epsom salt is helpful but not as beneficial. The easiest way to use it is by filling a spritzer bottle half full of magnesium flakes and then filling the bottle with room-temperature filtered or distilled water. Spray it on, rub it in, absorb it for 20 minutes, and then rinse it off. The magnesium needs 20 minutes to absorb. After that, leaving it on has very little benefit and is pretty sticky. This is the most affordable and effective method and ensures you aren't getting ingredients you don't need. You can also add magnesium chloride to your bath or a foot soak.
So this was in place of you having to buy the lotion, I got confused on the types of Magnesium! I’m so glad you asked this questions, because I learned something new! I realized the difference between Epsom Salt & Magnesium Lotions. Epsom Salt is 100% magnesium sulfate, and magnesium lotions are magnesium chloride. The articles I’ve found Magnesium Chloride Oil is even better at absorbing into the skin, better for our kidneys, and causing more relief for symptoms. So I guess the lotion isn’t even the best one, it’s the magnesium chloride oil the absorption of oil works even better through the skin with the testing they did for symptom relief!
What I learned:
**The lotions aren’t as good as giving relief.
**the recipe I use isn’t the best magnesium to get relief from, but has giving me relief now for years. I will be trying the Magnesium Chloride flake Recipes from the article By Author Jayne Leonard
**It also states when starting the magnesium chloride application start small, (one article said a few teaspoons only applied to start, so your body can adjust.)
**I found a bunch of recipes for making your own magnesium chloride lotion by searching it online.
**The magnesium chloride Oil has proven better absorption.
**Here’s a little section from one of the articles By Author Jayne Leonard ~Although absorption rates vary, magnesium oil tends to have one of the highest rates of absorption of any form of this mineral. In a study on transdermal application of a 31% magnesium chloride solution, it was found that after 12 weeks’ treatment 89% of subjects raised their cellular magnesium levels – with an average increase of 59.7%!
**I just found the DIY oil recipe from a wonderful author Katie O'Connor
Contributing Writer and is a certified herbalist, holistic health coach! The article was posted in 2019 called HOW TO MAKE & USE HOMEMADE MAGNESIUM OIL TO BENEFIT YOUR HEALTH
How To Make Homemade Magnesium Oil
½ cup magnesium chloride flakes
½ cup distilled water (to extend the shelf life)
Glass spray bottles
Bring ½ cup of distilled water to a boil.
Add ½ cup magnesium flakes to a glass measuring cup or bowl.
Once water has boiled, pour it into the bowl of magnesium flakes and stir until the flakes completely dissolve.
Let this mixture cool and transfer to labeled spray bottles for daily use.
Store your homemade magnesium oil at room temperature for up to 6 months.
To Use:
Start by using just a few sprays on your skin; initially no more than five. Over the next few days, gradually work up to 10-20 sprays a day. I like to apply my homemade magnesium oil in the crook of my arms, back of my knees, and stomach for best absorption.
It is also wise to do a patch test on your skin (particularly if you have sensitive skin) before applying the spray all over your body. A lot of people may initially experience tingling or a slight itching sensation where the oil is applied. This can be relieved by applying aloe vera on the site or coconut oil about 20 minutes after applying the oil (to give it a chance to absorb properly).
Hey also if you guys are getting wobbly due to pain, I would highly suggest getting grippy socks (I found some on Amazon) turn them inside out before throwing in the dryer, they are very helpful. Also do you guys use those foot massagers that sit on the floor? That has helped a bit this last year for me too. Also even malls have reflexology available at the massage stores, even if it hurts for me to get the massages, it still helps usually by the next day to get some pain relief. My history with THC is it overactivates my bowels, and I already have enough issues, so I use a small amount of Arnica gel in case I cannot sleep. **Note: the first time I used it I felt really sick, like sooo whoozy sick, I rubbed it everywhere of course, cause I’m in pain, I had no clue it can be poisonous to apply too much…so I took a shower about an hour later after realizing I think I poisoned myself, yikes! So small amount only please! Kind of crazy to think how quickly lotions, creams, gels, and oils absorb into our skin and can affect you that way! Also have you tried Pain Meditation? My Aunt who also has major pain does light water exercise class twice a week, (I just got a Y family membership a few days ago, so haven’t tried it yet.) anyways she says it does still hurt a bit to do the class, but that it’s night and day from how her pain is without it. and has recommended Jason Stephenson, she made me a disc that has since been scratched, so I YouTube him now! He has a relaxing voice, and has a lot of pain relief meditations, and they help me! I also bandage my feet and legs quite a bit that can help sometimes, sometimes it hurts so bad I wrap it too tight. Also my Mom does 30 minutes of ice and 20 minutes of heat therapy a lot that helps her get relief. Basically what I’m trying to say is keeping things around you that you know can help bring you relief. I listen to Faith based podcasts a lot, or old funny SNL skits anything to distract myself from what I am feeling helps! Write a book with your phone speaker (dictation) in your phone notes, what you experience, and have experienced with this could bring help to others! I’ve been trying to start everyday quiet, and thinking of things I am grateful for, I pray for healing everyday too, and have been trying to stay as positive as possible. Sometimes I wear my shirt that says be kind, I have a few with positive sayings that remind myself throughout the day to be kind to myself. We are our priority too, we need to be gentle on ourselves. If you’re still reading this I really hope you can find relief soon!
I would love to know if this helps neuropathy??
I have severe chemo induced Peripheral Neuropathy that started in my feetcand moved up my legs to my buttocks. It is also affecting my hands. I am getting electrical impulses that hit my hands, feet and knees more frequently now!
I started Lyrica 75mg 2x a day about a month ago with no noticeable changes.
I have made my own magnesium oil spray (magnesium flakes and water simmered on the stove) and body butter creams years ago. Looks like I need to make some more.
Hello @lovleyone, Welcome to Connect. Since you mentioned chemo induced neuropathy I thought you might want to scan through the following discussions to connect with others also dealing with chemo induced neuropathy.
-- Chemotherapy-induced neuropathy: What helps get rid of it?
-- Neuropathy: Cymbalta helped my husband. What helped you?
-- VGSDs: a potential breakthrough on the horizon for neuropathy pain?
I use Magnesium Glycinate 200mg tab in AM and one at dinnertime for not only my neuropathy but also restless legs. I also use Frankincense essential oil (5 drops in scented body cream of choice or straight oil) for the pain. I'm a big fan of Amazon. I got the oil and the tablets from there). There is magnesium sprays in addition to the cream (either or). Good luck in finding what works for u.
This has helped me
I use magnesium with hemp. I get it from Amazon and it helps.