Left shoulder pain after eating or drinking

Posted by jrofri @jrofri, Dec 5, 2017

Has anyone experienced severe left shoulder pain, down the upper arm, up the neck to the ear, approximately 15 mins after eating. This pain usually lasts for three hours after eating a meal.

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@trippster It was well worth it and I’ll do it again if necessary 😊 I had an epidural just before the surgery and was in ICU for about 5 days and on the recovery ward for an extra 4 days always on very strong pain killers!! Really helped, and amazing how fast I rebounded. The nurses had me up the same day they woke me to sit in a chair and then walking from the next, first short distances with help from a physio then by myself.


Mine starts anywhere from 15- to an hr, usually after I get slightly active. Pain runs
-left shoulder, left elbow, halfway down forearm, upper left chest would feel raw(swelling?)up left side of neck to lymph node area. When it gets real bad the right shoulder also hurts.

Pain was so bad the one time, then it went away and then came back a half hr later. Went to ER thinking I was having a heart attack. It went away 2 hrs later. They really had no idea what it was and guessed severe heartburn. Things that lessen the pain:
Raising left arm above my head slowly pacing my breathing by taking deep breaths
Hot steamy showers


Yes, even to the point of thinking I should go to the ER. I've had the worst left shoulder blade pain and throwing up yellow bile for 5 hours.


Hello @jrofri and welcome to Mayo Connect.

I am sorry to hear about the pain you are experiencing in your shoulder, arm, neck and ear after meals. That sounds very uncomfortable. If you are comfortable sharing more about yourself, it would help to know some more information. For example: how long have you experienced this pain? Have you had any other digestive symptoms (like GERD, ulcers, gall bladder problems, etc.)? Have you had any stomach or abdominal surgery?

By giving our Members a bit more information, perhaps someone else in our community might be able to share a similar experience with you. We look forward to getting to know.

One last question, have you talked with your doctor about this pain?


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I have sharp, stabbing left shoulder pain after I binge and am too full. Usually, this is accompanied by heart palpitations.

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