Anyone here with Hurthle Cell (Oncocytic) Carcinoma?
Hi Everyone
I'm new to the group and just wondering if anyone else has been diagnosed with Hurthle Cell Carcinoma? I've been on my journey a couple of years now. (Initially misdiagnosed but then a pathologist who was formerly with Mayo caught it which, of course, led to more surgery.) Anyone else? It definitely appears to be hard to find Physicians/ Facilities that are familiar with it.
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Im so sorry you are going through this, Tg level does depend on a lot of things, and I don't think it has to be 0. But I would find another Dr that knows about thyroid cancer, as my endocrinologist and team treat a lot of thyroid cancer and that's what you should have for the best care. Hang in there.
Wow…I think you should get another doctor! My friend had Melanoma that Metastasized to her lungs and she was able to be treated and is currently “Cancer free.” Although all cancers are not the same, my Dermatologist told me that the use of infusions for treatment have been a game changer. Do you live near any of the cancer hospitals? Maybe a doctor affiliated with the hospital who specializes in lung cancer treatments would be a better route. Although the lung cancer might be a secondary cancer, the lung specialist might know the best way to fight the cancer since it is in the lungs. I don’t think you should wait for your doctor; definitely find a doctor who can see you right away, so you can start treatment and put your mind at ease.
Good Luck!
Husband was diagnosed in August needle biopsy showed papillary but thyroid tested for Hurtle Cell during pathology. Radical neck dissection in September, now there are small nodes showing up in left lung. Doctor suspects mets but states nodes are too small for PET scan. We are shocked! Going for a second opinion and care plan.
Husband diagnosed in August. Radical neck dissection in September, nodes involved as well as soft tissue. Being treated with TSH hormone, keeping numbers as low as possible, also having his markers checked and this time they came back elevated. Doctor ordered CT scan with contrast and nodules 8mm and smaller showing in his left lower lung. Doctor states that a PET scan would not show because nodules are too small so wants to rescan in April to see if there is growth. We have registered at another university for a second opinion on the care plan.
Good luck and please keep me posted.