Have to share this: Dealing with the emotional side of ADT

Posted by johnernest @johnernest, Jan 5 8:33am

Diagnosis of stage 4 prostate cancer, July 2024. Currently being treated with ADT: Triptorelin, and Nubeqa (Darolutamide). Cancer has responded, PSA dropped from 62 to 0.6 over the last 4 months. Doc did a genetic test in Dec, I tested positive for BRCA 2, makes my risk of spread and other cancers very high,
Dealing with the side effects of ADT is tough and is up and down. I work out and walk most days and I am maintaining my muscles and strength with weights. However, the emotional side is very strange as I am either overly happy and joking, or super emotional and crying about nothing. Sometimes I feel like I another person, my old self (prior ADT) is fading away.
Just thought I would share this since many others are on ADT. The only thing that keeps my emotions normal is to focus on a project or work around the house. Idle time makes it worse.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Prostate Cancer Support Group.


It may seem like your “crying about nothing”, still there is something deep you are grieving. Perhaps it is loss of your identity as a virile male. Perhaps it is fear of dying. Both would be understandable. There could be other reasons as well. This is a great time to “start digging”. Finding out the truth about oneself is always a rewarding experience.

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11 months into Orgovyx/Aberaterone , I now tell whoever I get into a conversation with that if I start to tear up that I’m really not as sad as it might look, it’s the GD drugs making me do it!!


I cry at movies now….


Wondering if anyone else could share their experience regarding coming off Radiation Therapy 26 treatments ending 4 weeks ago. And Lupron ADT ending after 3 months at the same time.
What are the things ( side effects ) to look forward to for a testosterone comeback and other positive things to look forward to.
Being treated for a Urinary Tract Infection - right now on antibiotics.
Anxiety an ongoing issue but dealing with it.


Experiences after coming off radiation are extremely variable. I never felt or had any problems with radiation after having seven weeks of it, It didn’t have any effect on me. To other people it can cause fatigue, pain and Urinary and bowel issues. That’s how wide ranging it can be.

Coming off short time Lupron Shouldn’t take too long. Some people come back with a few months. Two years ago, my brother had radiation and three months of Lupron. He was 78 At the time and the hot flashes went on for at least nine months to a year after he stopped Lupron. His testosterone also came back slowly. Age is definitely a factor,


Wondering if anyone else could share their experience regarding coming off Radiation Therapy 26 treatments ending 4 weeks ago. And Lupron ADT ending after 3 months at the same time.
What are the things ( side effects ) to look forward to for a testosterone comeback and other positive things to look forward to.
Being treated for a Urinary Tract Infection - right now on antibiotics.
Anxiety an ongoing issue but dealing with it.

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I'm now seven months past the end of radiation and the only remaining symptom I have is some bilateral hip pain. I was terrified that this was cancer metastasizing but was reassured that this is totally normal. It's not agonizing pain or even constant, just occasional.

My other symptoms--tiredness, no appetite, burning urination, difficulty starting urination--lasted about two months after I finished, improving a little bit every week. These symptoms are all gone now. Fortunately, I never had any bowel symptoms either during or after treatment.


I'm now seven months past the end of radiation and the only remaining symptom I have is some bilateral hip pain. I was terrified that this was cancer metastasizing but was reassured that this is totally normal. It's not agonizing pain or even constant, just occasional.

My other symptoms--tiredness, no appetite, burning urination, difficulty starting urination--lasted about two months after I finished, improving a little bit every week. These symptoms are all gone now. Fortunately, I never had any bowel symptoms either during or after treatment.

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Hi thanks scottbeammeup
Ya I’m experiencing almost all of the symptoms you went through - I do have constipation, not sure if it’s a side effect from radiation.
Did you have hormone treatment as well and did your testosterone level come back , and if so at what point?
I had a Lupron 3 month injection along with an oral pill,during my radiation treatments.


Hi thanks scottbeammeup
Ya I’m experiencing almost all of the symptoms you went through - I do have constipation, not sure if it’s a side effect from radiation.
Did you have hormone treatment as well and did your testosterone level come back , and if so at what point?
I had a Lupron 3 month injection along with an oral pill,during my radiation treatments.

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Hey Paul, congrats on completion of your treatment! I am one month out from 25 sessions salvage radiation and 6 mos Orgovyx, which will be done in about three weeks.
I have had no urinary issues - except possible urgency (when you gotta go, you gotta go!) but when I do urinate it is a strong, prolonged stream with fairly high volume.
Bowel ups and downs but getting better. In fact, I had issues with moving my bowels before radiation (not constipation, but an inability to void easily called anismus) but it is much better now…go figure! I still take Miralax every day as I have for the past 5 yrs and totally recommend it. All my doctors agree that you can take it every day for life if necessary - not a stimulant, but an osmotic which draws water into the bowel. Hope this helps!


Hi thanks scottbeammeup
Ya I’m experiencing almost all of the symptoms you went through - I do have constipation, not sure if it’s a side effect from radiation.
Did you have hormone treatment as well and did your testosterone level come back , and if so at what point?
I had a Lupron 3 month injection along with an oral pill,during my radiation treatments.

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I had Orgovyx and my two months after stopping my testosterone was 260 and my PSA .1, so almost low normal. My next test is in March.


I had Orgovyx and my two months after stopping my testosterone was 260 and my PSA .1, so almost low normal. My next test is in March.

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Paul, I had 28 rounds of radiation & 18 months of Elagard hormone therapy.
Mostly my side effects were
constipation, hot flashes &
anxiety which is still going on. I have been off the hormone therapy for 6 months now & still have the anxiety which I am dealing with. I am guessing it’s from the hormone therapy & lack of testosterone. Good luck.

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