I've been using lifestyle interventions since 2018. I've exercised throughout my life but started weight training in 2012 and have continued every since. I try to lift as heavy as I can three days a week without needing to go to a gym and use a weight rack (helps with very heavy weights).
I did a lot of swimming for awhile and while it's great exercise, it doesn't increase the load on your bones which is needed to trigger bone building. Of course, I sometimes wonder if doing this was ideal while I was on Fosamax because that drug wasn't helping me build bones.
Here is my routine these days:
M-W-F 30 min of cardio on a stair stepper followed by 45-60 minutes of weight training (squats, deadlifts, chest and arm presses, bicep curls, kettlebell swings, etc.) and 25 jumps.
Tu-Th 30 min of back strengthening exercises (mostly body weight except for a few weights using 5 lb weights and resistance bands). Later in the day, I walk for 30 to 45 minutes and include a 10 minute run during that.
Other activities include working in the yard, riding my bicycle, occasional hike.
I've never regularly done yoga but have tried it and I know how hard it ism especially Vinyasa. I would think it would be great for strengthening your core and back muscles. Someone else should be able to comment on its value for osteoporosis.
As for diet, I try to avoid processed foods, eat primarily plant foods but also eat a lot of fish, some chicken, and occasional beef (maybe once a week). I watch my protein intake to make sure I get enough (80 to 100 grams per day based on my body weight). I eat some dairy (milk/yogurt a few times a week). I take calcium if I don't meet my 1200 mg per day and also take vitamin K2 (MK4 + MK7), NAC, ALA, and collagen peptides. The last three are new in the past couple of months.
@oopsiedaisy thank you and appreciate your detailed response on your diet and exercise regimen including the weight regimen. I do plan to include weights in my routine but, might start going to the gym or a class first to get initiated. I am not as self-motivated in that area .
I already take 1200 units of Calcium and 1000 units Vitamin D daily for last 8-10 months .
My doctor had an interesting observation and she said some women develop Osteo in the first couple years of menopause and you are in that classic period.