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Replies to "My gyn reluctantly agreed to prescribe transdermal estrogen (.025) and micronized progesterone (100). I'm 63, menopause..."
Osteoporosis & Bone Health | Last Active: 3 days ago | Replies (213)
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Replies to "My gyn reluctantly agreed to prescribe transdermal estrogen (.025) and micronized progesterone (100). I'm 63, menopause..."
My OP doctor has been very flexible with my HRT prescription, maybe because she's using HRT herself. She started me on what she said was the studied OP therapeutic dose of .05 patch plus micronized progesterone. I felt the effects mildly at first, but after a few weeks had a big increase in breast tenderness. I then asked for a lower dose and was using a .025 patch. The tenderness totally subsided, and I wondered if I could handle a bit more, so after 6 weeks I am now on an .0375 patch. It remains to be seen if the tenderness returns.
I notice the effects mainly in increased libido....sometimes I feel I'm in the film "Awakenings," waking up in a previous life, after a huge menopausal decrease. It's great, but also a bit unnerving at times. I also have been more emotional, but have always been going some stuff so maybe it was bound to happen anyway.
I also use vaginal esterdiol twice a week which helps keep tissues healthy.
As for my bones, I'm doing everything I can in terms of nutrition and exercise and really hope the HRT accentuates my efforts. I have no dexa feedback so far. I am 64, menopause at 53.
Thanks to all of you for sharing and best wishes to us all.