Hysterectomy for endometrial cancer and follow-up
Does it matter if my hysterectomy for serous endometrial cancer is done by a gynecologist oncologist and the chemo and radiation planned and done at a different provider. I feel an urgency to get the hysterectomy done since serous cancer is classified as high grade (fast growing) but want the best chemo and radiation treatment for my condition which might be MD Anderson or the Mayo clinic. I have a telephone intake appointment with the Mayo clinic tomorrow, they seem very slow at getting the ball rolling.
Any thoughts?
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Had my first appt with a local gynecologist/oncologist on Tuesday. Very nice Man and easy to talk to. He ordered a CAT scan with contrast which I will have today to make sure I do not have cancer that has spread to other parts of my body.
Yesterday I had a second opinion consult with a gynecologist at Mayo clinic. Her bio says her subspecialty is oncology. Well it turns out she has not done oncology for 4 years and only does surgery now. I felt she was in a hurry and did not answer all questions to my satisfaction. After expressing my concern about being able to tolerate the chemo tx the Doctor tried to reassure me by telling me that there are people who have only 3 chemo tx and 1 radiation tx and that is all they need. I very much doubt those people have endometrial serous cancer. The second flub was telling me that if I have a lot of scar tissue from my previous appendix surgery and resection she would cut through it and if she accidentally cut into the colon she would just "stitch it up". I know what scar tissue does to the colon and do not want to increase the amount or density. That comment really boggled my mind, made me feel like her surgery would be preformed based on what was best for her not me.
So my plan is to stay with the local guy who has a lot of experience and seems more methodical. I will probably get a second opinion for chemo tx and cancer staging/pathology after the hysterectomy. The hysterectomy will not be scheduled until the CAT scan results are complete.
Did great with the barium rx I had to drink last night and this morning, if it was a protein drink I would consider buying it for daily consumption. It tasted like vanilla pudding, Yum!!
God job. You are on top of this and you are in charge.
Thanks for sharing your tx protocol. Would you say that if I decide to get a second opinion for my chemo/radiation from the Mayo clinic I should request a consult with a Medical Oncologist? I would like to be able to do it over the phone, not sure if they do that.
@beebe Good news that you decided you are going to work with your local oncologist and have a plan in place. Here is my take on Mayo Clinic. I saw a gyn-oncologist. She does surgery and I knew I would likely need a hysterectomy which is why I was scheduled with her. Medical oncology is a different specialty and I think these are the physicians who order and manage chemotherapy. So, if pathology after a hysterectomy performed by a gyn-oncologist at Mayo results in the need for chemotherapy then you would be referred to oncology. If you need radiation therapy then you would be referred to a the physician who specializes in radiation oncology.
These are my impressions after getting my cancer care at Mayo Clinic.
Helen, thanks for explaining the different doctors roles in this process. I wish the Mayo clinic would give a second opinion over the phone or on-line, it would certainly make mylife easier:)