Year Long Progression of Neurological Symptoms. Exhausted. Angry.
These last few years have been nothing short of exhausting. I am 42, and for the past 1-2 years I have been running from Dr's offices, lab tests, imaging, etc... If a symptom is neurological, good chance I have had it. It's almost a joke. The most consistent symptoms are burning/sweating feet, right-legged weakness, tinnitus, involuntary finger flexion, and overall muscle twitching. My cognition is now greatly impacted as I have brain fog, memory issues, and dampened processing ability. The symptoms tend to come and go. On average, I would say I have 3-5 days of "relief" followed by two weeks of heightened symptoms. There is no catalyst (at the conscious level). I've kept a detailed diary trying to isolate a When my sleep is affected, its hypnogogic hallucinations, hypnic jerks, sleep apnea, tinnitus. Daytime symptoms include limb and finger tremors, random shooting pains, headaches. I've heightened my meditation practice, trying to practice greater acceptance and compassion for my situation, but it doesn't seem to matter. I will be hit with new symptoms that seem like cause for concern. Any one of these symptoms could warrant a trip to the ER. (I have stopped taking that route.) In my search for answers, I have had blood work, MRI's, nerve conduction, sleep studies, eeg's, small fiber biopsy, neck surgery (possible stenosis), etc...Nightmare. All the major players have been ruled out. I was recently diagnosed with FND (MGH BOSTON), which at some level makes sense, but it also leaves a lot of uncertainty. Currently, as I type this, I have significant brain fog and my quads are burning (anything my pant is touching) and twitching. Last night I woke up with hissing in my ears (felt like someone had turned up the volume sensitivity) and my head did some random twitching upon waking.
Anything neurological is fair game it seems. As I said, it feels like a bad joke. I'm curious if anyone else has had such a rotating cast of symptoms, with no pattern to presentation, and no resolute cause. I have had trauma in my life, but even PTSD doesn't present in this fashion. I wish I could say I wasn't in good hands, but I am seen at MGH in Boston. If anyone has any advice or suggestions, I would love to hear them. I am open to thoughts on psychosomatic, spiritual, causes as well... Thanks
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B6 toxicity produces a multitude of neurological symptoms and more. Worth a look see I think.