Chronic idiopathic constipation (CIC): Diagnostic Experiences
I was diagnosed with CIC three years ago. I take two prescription meds for it and I just saw a colorectal surgeon who wants to do an anal manometry, a sitz marker test and an MRI defecography. Anyone have any experience with this?
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It sounds like MRI defecography looks for the same thing as the manometry and the colorectal surgeon wasn’t insisting on this as much as the other two. Part of my hesitation is that these tests are all elective so I’m guessing expensive. The other part of my hesitation is that what I’m doing now is working. Not without a downside- diarrhea from the meds which is sometimes unpredictable, difficulty traveling with the unpredictability etc. So I’m weighing the options.
Thank you. I’d be interested in knowing what they advise you to do after they get the results if you’re willing to share that.
Of course I will definitely let u know. I was told results should come in about 10 days , but it should take less than. I asked them to flag it as urgent.
Best, bernard
I really appreciate it, Bernard. Trying to find information on this condition is really difficult.
I agree that the MRI and the manometry will show some of the same stuff if it is just pelvic floor dysfunction. So the two priority test would be the manometry and the sitz marker test. These both check off a lot of the boxes. The MRI would show more dysfunction or anatomical problems that likely need surgical fix but you could check the other two first and if those were both normal then decide if you want the MRI.
Yes, that makes sense.
I had the anal manometry and found out my muscles were not contracting and relaxing properly leading to pelvic floor dysfunction. I was sent for pelvic floor therapy. Also had a defecagraphy test done and found out had a mild rectocele. I was sent to pelvic floor therapy again. Due to DJD and spinal arthritis and weak pelvis was unable to gain much benefit from it. The concept is good and may work for many but due to other issues did not work for me. I continue to struggle with severe constipation and primarily use Senna since also have slow transit constipation. Due to painful spinal arthritis, DJD and constipation and pelvic floor issues it is challenging to know what to do. Still working on it. Recently started seeing a pain management group . and am hopeful. Constipation issues still awful and trial and error. have tried miralax, linzess, dulcolax, MOM . Any suggestions welcome. thank you for the opportunity to compare notes with these issues. I just keep praying and being hopeful. TY
I’m sorry. There are no easy answers, it seems. I’m on both Trulance and Motegrity (who thinks up these names?) which are working for me but not perfectly. I appreciate your sharing your experience and I wish you the best.
I saw a motility specialist.
I take 2 colace with Senna and 1/2 cap if Miralax every morning. Drink 4 quarts of water at least and I am very regular now. No pain no constipation no nausea… thank God!
I also use a squatty potty which is critical
Congratulations on finding a regimen that works!