Diagnosed with IBS…could it really be that?

Posted by Kendra @kendra75, Nov 28, 2024

Hi everyone. I would love your opinion. Very long story short: in June 2022 I had bariatric sleeve surgery. 4 months later my life completely changed. It started with extreme constipation, severe abdominal pain, trapped gas. It’s been over 2 years and my life is so bad. I am in constant chronic severe abdominal pain with several symptoms with it. From the morning I open my eyes until going to sleep. Sleep is the only relief I get. No matter what I eat or whether I go to the bathroom or not…I am in severe pain. Every single day for 2 years. I was diagnosed with IBS but I feel like I’m dying. I can’t stress how bad this is. I barely go out, barely go to the store and miss many events. My quality of life is so bad. I have been to many doctors and have had many tests done. All negative. Could it be something other than IBS and the doctors have missed it?

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Wrong. You said that IBS wasn't a medical condition which it is a medical condition.

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Wrong, I said IBS is not a disease to be exact. It is a medical condition but that does not make it a disease.
But that is no matter as you seem to be now on track with your Dr, and that is what is important.


Have you ever been tested to determine if it is internal hernias, marginal size ulcers, gallstones, adhesions, strictures, leaks at your surgical site? Could be one of them mi


Wrong, I said IBS is not a disease to be exact. It is a medical condition but that does not make it a disease.
But that is no matter as you seem to be now on track with your Dr, and that is what is important.

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I never said that IBS was a disease. It's a health condition just like I have said. I didn't say anything about it being a disease.
My doctors are treating my Short gut syndrome which is a health condition not a disease.


Hi! Thank you so much for responding. My bariatric surgeon along with a second one said they have never heard of this as a complication of my sleeve surgery. Yes I had all those tests done..also a pelvic ultrasound…an upper GI Series…a test where I ate something with contrast and they watched how I digested it. I’ve seen at least 8 gastroenterologists…1 surgeon..1 rectal surgeon and 2 bariatric surgeons. I research everyday. I just need some relief.

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i think I've read all your posts. I don't see where you've listed your medications . Medications are frequently the culprits.

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