Any Tips For Radiation Patients Who Suffer Constipation?

Posted by mark1952 @mark1952, Jan 5 7:14pm

I am 73 and have had chronic constipation for a few years now. The Orgovyx I have been on for three months has made my constipation worse. I have had SpaceOAR gel for almost a month. This has made the constipation worse. I have had four radiation sessions and the constipation seems worse than ever. I am taking four Senna pills and one Colace pill twice a day. I supplement this regimen with Dulcolax and MiraLax every 2-3 days. If I could pass gas, I could deal with the slow stool. Unfortunately, the backed up stool traps the gas resulting in horribly painful bloating and gas back-up into my stomach where it causes pain around my diaphragm, just below the Xiphoid Process. I am barely managing with the laxatives, walking, rebounding, yoga, heavy water consumption, light food consumption, light massage. Any tips would be appreciated. To others with constipation, give careful consideration to how you are going to manage your situation. Perhaps your gastroenterologist can be helpful. Mine was not. Best of luck to everyone in their cancer journey.

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I take 3 senna and 2 colace twice a day because of the drugs. Once in a while I use miralax, but not very often. I don’t have a problem with gas however. I have had surgery and radiation.


Thanks, Jeffmarc,
I am hoping my constipation will improve somewhat after I get off the Orgovyx in a month, and after the SpaceOAR gel starts dissolving in two plus months. Some times we just have to soldier on, don't we?


I know what you’re going through, I’m 77 went through radiation treatment 13yrs ago for prostate cancer and had seeds implanted. Cancer free now I’m also on pain management for over 13yrs do to back surgery taking hydracodone 10/325. When I get blocked up and start having a problem with gas and stomach pain and cramps I will use Fleet Enema, it’s instant relief. I quit the laxative pills and eat lots of salads and cereals.


I have constipation problems due to Rx I'm taking. Eating sauted spinach at least 1 time a day, makes a BM every day.

Good results!


Drink water regularly, even if you don't feel thirsty. Some places suggest 64 oz/day just for normal health, but if that's too much, I've found that even 40 oz/day (5 x 8 oz glasses) can make a big difference.

As a bonus, flushing out your bladder regularly will help avoid or reduce radiation cystitis and associated UTIs as well.


The “radiation diet” to reduce gas is a killer. I too had problems with my bowels even before this diet.
During my treatment I took Miralax every morning and Healthy Fiber (non fermentable fiber that causes NO gas, available on Amazon) 3X/day with a lot of water.
And don’t hesitate to use a fleet enema or suppository if you need one. I had to use one sometimes twice or three times per week during my treatment.
And watch that Senna - it WILL cause gas and bloating.


The “radiation diet” to reduce gas is a killer. I too had problems with my bowels even before this diet.
During my treatment I took Miralax every morning and Healthy Fiber (non fermentable fiber that causes NO gas, available on Amazon) 3X/day with a lot of water.
And don’t hesitate to use a fleet enema or suppository if you need one. I had to use one sometimes twice or three times per week during my treatment.
And watch that Senna - it WILL cause gas and bloating.

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Just wanted to add…I took Smooth Move (senna leaves) herbal tea one night and although it produced a BM , I got kicked off the table for excess gas that day and had to get an enema to get it out.
The RO told me to never use it again! Also, get a Squatty Potty in Amazon - the best $$ you will ever spend if you suffer from chronic constipation. It changes your position on the commode from sitting to more squatting, which naturally places more pressure on the abdomen without you having to strain.


@mark1952 One of the side effects of Orgovyx seems to be constipation. In addition to suggestions here you might want to try probiotics to help improve your digestion and a warm compress to your abdomen to relax your muscles.


The “radiation diet” to reduce gas is a killer. I too had problems with my bowels even before this diet.
During my treatment I took Miralax every morning and Healthy Fiber (non fermentable fiber that causes NO gas, available on Amazon) 3X/day with a lot of water.
And don’t hesitate to use a fleet enema or suppository if you need one. I had to use one sometimes twice or three times per week during my treatment.
And watch that Senna - it WILL cause gas and bloating.

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@heavyphil And watch that Senna - it WILL cause gas and bloating

Been taking 3 senna twice a day for a few years. Never had a problem with gas or bloating. Is something else I am taking alleviating that?

Probably not a frequent Side effect .


Drinking a cup or two of hot tea also helps me with constipation — the lower dose of caffeine (compared to coffee) seems to be just enough to stimulate my digestive system without also dehydrating me, and thus making the constipation worse.

The one downside is that if you have radiation cystitis (bladder damage), tea might aggravate it and give you a burning sensation or urgency; if so, then stop or scale back.

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