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Thanks for your answer. Yes, my husband is very stubborn. Says he wants to help himself, but balks at most foods I mention. He wanted campbells chicken noodle soup today. I asked him if wanted some oyster crackers to put in the soup and he said,"No. Crackers are dry." I said not if they are in your soup. Well he said the does not like crackers. So i said, OK. We have boost but he does not want it. We have vanilla pudding in the little cups and jello in the little cups. No, he does not want any of that. I made him milkshakes but after two, he did not want anymore. The ice cream got old, so I threw it out. I suggested plain rice or mashed potatoes with butter and he just looked at me like I was nuts and rolled his eyes. What the heck does he want? Wish I Knew. He is about to run out of his oxycodone on Tuesday. He should have enough until next monday when he will get them refilled. I am the one that gives them to him, and I did give him like 8 extra when he asked for them, but there still should be more. He insists that he does not know where I put them, but I don't believe him. He has lied about this before. His xanax has been gone. His oxycodones are 20 mg a pill. He is supposed to take them 4 a day. He has no more oxycontin and said he is not going to get them refilled because they cost him 90.00. This tells me that he did not want them for pain but for the high. If they were cheaper, he would still get them. Like you, I worry he will pass from all the drugs in his system before the cancer ends it. I know he has someone getting him pills. The other day he showed me a jar of medical marijuana someone had given him. He may have traded some oxycodones for the marijuana. I will never know. And believe it or not, he used to a drug/alcohol counselor. So, he knows about drugs. Way back before i met him, he was a big pill popper. We did not get married until we were both early 40's. I am 69 now and he is 68. This pill problem has been going on for years. Plus he used to drink a lot of beer. He was a functional alcoholic. But he had to quit drinking beer early last year as it began to bother his stomach. I am tired of worrying about the pills, etc. My husband should be eating thickened foods as he does have trouble swallowing some things. When he was in the hospital last month, they were thickening his liquids and he would not drink them. He hardly ate any of the food. Said it was crap. They wanted him to eat thickened food and drink the thickened liquids but he refused. But he pretty much sticks to noodles. He would never agree to a feeding tube. I already mentioned it and he said NO. He is supposed to use a bipap at night to help push out the co2 but he refused. The doctors are getting a little tired of him. So am I. lol When does your husband get his pet scan? Joe is having a brain mri on this coming thursday. This was also to be done 2 months ago, but because we were too early for the last one, he refused to wait. Then they were going to do it while he was in the hospital in december, but they never did. Probably because he signed the AMA release form 3 days after he got there. As I have said before, he is his own worst enemy. Congratulations on your new grandson. NOthing brings a smile to the face like a baby. I have no grandchildren because neither one of my boys have children. My oldest son is married to an oncologist nurse and neither of them wanted children. My youngest is 40 and is living with a girl who is 45 and already raised 3 boys. She is a little old to be having babies. It is nice to be able to share our days and problems with someone who understands. You mentioned Boston, so do you live in MA? I live in pennsylvania and we are about an hour from Pittsburgh. Talk to you soon. Have a good day!
Replies to "Thanks for your answer. Yes, my husband is very stubborn. Says he wants to help himself,..."
Oh, yes, Denise...our husbands are the same. Both are 68, Both have been using drugs from their early days, trading drugs, and finding out where us wives hiding places are of theirs or our drugs, etc. Drives me Nuts. Our drs took Jimmy off zannys and lowed his Oxy dose down to 5 mg once he started experiencing hypercapnia as that represses your system. However, he didn't have enough meds in his system to cause Hypercapnia. His blood tests would come back showing zero Benzos and zero Opioids. It was all due to his Cancer in his throat and what it was effecting his body. Plus as you age, your system can't accept a high dose of either; but we know our husbands and they will take enough to get high. I take Xanax because of living with him (LOL). That is true to a point, but I've high anxiety, high blood pressure and the xanax does wonders for my BP. And, of course he knows I have them and bugs me for them or gets mad. Anyway, He grew up in Provincetown, MA and I moved to Cape Cod, MA in 1980. I grew up in a suburb of Fall River, MA. Married in 1990. Hubs and 1st wife had a baby boy in 1975; and we had a baby girl in 1991. I'll be 65 and on Medicare in August! LOL. I still feel like in my late 30's and work out as much as I can BEFORE summer comes. I really hope your husband rethinks the feeding tube. It is so easy. It doesn't have to be a life time event. I assume he sees a Speech Pathologist and a dietician that the hospital sets you up with. They do in MA; I'd assume in PA. My husband was a cook for years and also installed floors did roofing an siding. He always made dinner..was the best cook! That he misses but he's gotton over it after 17 months with feeding tube. Now, it's his lack of a voicebox that depresses him. It's hard and real quiet in the house. He's got a great sense of humor which even though he can't speak it, his facial expressions or charades or writing it out helps his sense of being. He does not want to die. He is doing what the doctors tell him. He also has a great support system made up of family and close friends, plus his many doctors who liked him as they got to really know him and his ways (drugs included) and made them all laugh. I used to tell him that if I knew him when I was 18, I'd stay away from him cuz he was a trouble-maker. He's got a long record but none that involve the worse of the worse. The only trouble he got in when with me since 1983 was being pulled over 3 times for drunk driving. We are both alcoholics but have been "Free" for me going on 14 years, and my hubs 10 years. You should read this to your husband. I'm hoping it might give him the gumption he needs to stop saying NO to foods he's offered...cripes he's lucky he can still eat! The Feeding tube will actually give him more calories if he's weighing under 100 lbs. My husband was told he can eat by mouth since having the trach and then the laryngectomy, but during the operation, they found a section in way back of his tongue had cancer so had to cut that out and he now only drinks coffee, a Wendy's Choc Frosty, and his Nestle IsoSource which is same as Boost or Ensure but is by prescription. It's helping my husband slowly, but surely put on some weight. I'll try and be better at checking messages on this platform now that I started. I am very glad we met and have a lot of common problems; namely....Husband! LOL Peace, Betsc