Interesting that you should be the next message that I read. The last one was from somebody that was on ADT and thought that that was causing anxiety, even after being off it.
I also Had a lot of anxiety when I was first diagnosed. My cancer was not nearly as aggressive as what you have, But over Time the anxiety has gone away, Even though the cancer has become more aggressive.
I also have BRCA2, Just found out a couple years ago, That explains why it has come back four times. The thing is, I am Still alive after 15 years, Had my one metastasis zapped with SBRT and my PSA has stayed undetectable for 13 months since then, while I am on Nubeqa.
One person who has attended the Weekly advanced prostate cancer meetings has had PC for 26 years and is still alive, with BRCA2. He was on a PARP inhibitor for a long time, Kept his cancer from getting worse. This has given me a lot of hope for my future, since I have not needed to start a PARP inhibitor yet.
BRCA2 is not a death sentence, you have many years of treatments that work available to you. They keep coming out with new treatments every couple of years. For you a PARP inhibitor can give you more time than you thought, and you don’t need to take it yet.
Thank you for sharing and this certainly helps me feel more positive!