Neuropathy & covid connection

Posted by fenn47 @fenn47, Jan 5 12:53am

Has anyone ever come up with a connection between neuropathy and covid. For me neuropathy started a couple of years ago. Coincidentally I had covid and then had 3 covid vaccinations. Is it possible that this could have activated the onset of neuropathy.

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I'm so happy to hear this question. My symptoms started after my first Covid injection three years ago. I went to a neurologist who couldn't find any cause for what appeared to be nephropathy, all tests said it wasn't. When it was time for the first booster I asked him if I should get it. He said, "Well you can't die from nephropathy, but you can die from Covid. So I've had all of the additional boosters. No one was recording information like this, they were busy saving lives. There are no facts to support that Covid is involved that I know of.


I have read that Covid has caused neurological problems for many theater the virus or vaccine. There is damage to endothelial cells done by the spike protein and they are throughout your body. Blood vessels and blood flow are affected and small nerves and nerve cells may be deprived of oxygen so they get damaged. That is why you hear of smelling and taste issues because of the neurological damage done by Covid.


I have read that Covid has caused neurological problems for many theater the virus or vaccine. There is damage to endothelial cells done by the spike protein and they are throughout your body. Blood vessels and blood flow are affected and small nerves and nerve cells may be deprived of oxygen so they get damaged. That is why you hear of smelling and taste issues because of the neurological damage done by Covid.

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I had chest pain and believe a heart attack 2 months after the 2nd vaccine in 2021. I am a 55 year old female now and never had heart problems before the vaccine. I then got Covid in 2022. EKGs have now shown an old infarction that never was there before Covid vaccines. I also have worsened neuropathy.


Here are a few references on the Covid and neuropathy connection:

-- Small fiber neuropathy associated with COVID-19 infection and vaccination: A prospective case–control study:
-- When Nerve Pain and Numbness Are Linked to Long COVID:

You might also want to look at the many neuropathy and Covid discussions and comments by members on Connect. Here's a link that shows the search results -


I did a search for the symptoms of Long Covid. I tick quite a few of the boxes, especially with the recent appearance of new symptoms. Crusty eyes, dry mouth, voice affected, nasal problems, loss of appetite, dizziness, wobbly gait, occasional nausea. The problem is, there is no current test for long Covid. There is also no treatment. Has anyone dealt with this issue? If so, please share. The symptom tracker suggested that I see a doctor immediately. Good luck with that. Since I am not dying, my only option would be the local ER. I had a horrible experience with that place last year. I guess it may necessary.


I did a search for the symptoms of Long Covid. I tick quite a few of the boxes, especially with the recent appearance of new symptoms. Crusty eyes, dry mouth, voice affected, nasal problems, loss of appetite, dizziness, wobbly gait, occasional nausea. The problem is, there is no current test for long Covid. There is also no treatment. Has anyone dealt with this issue? If so, please share. The symptom tracker suggested that I see a doctor immediately. Good luck with that. Since I am not dying, my only option would be the local ER. I had a horrible experience with that place last year. I guess it may necessary.

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Have you seen the Long COVID neuropathy symptoms discussion? -


The first 2 COVID vaccines made my neuropathy in feet got to my legs. And later I go PMR. No more vaccines for me. I had to go to ER, I couldn’t walk, now on prednisone since then


I'm so happy to hear this question. My symptoms started after my first Covid injection three years ago. I went to a neurologist who couldn't find any cause for what appeared to be nephropathy, all tests said it wasn't. When it was time for the first booster I asked him if I should get it. He said, "Well you can't die from nephropathy, but you can die from Covid. So I've had all of the additional boosters. No one was recording information like this, they were busy saving lives. There are no facts to support that Covid is involved that I know of.

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When I consulted doctors about it, they said definitely that Covid can trigger those issues. There is a theory that Covid can trigger viral particles that live in our body.


I have read that Covid has caused neurological problems for many theater the virus or vaccine. There is damage to endothelial cells done by the spike protein and they are throughout your body. Blood vessels and blood flow are affected and small nerves and nerve cells may be deprived of oxygen so they get damaged. That is why you hear of smelling and taste issues because of the neurological damage done by Covid.

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Please cite where you read that Covid has caused neurological problems for many. I'd like to read this. Thanks.

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