Do you have an inspiring or favorite quote to share?

Posted by Zebra @californiazebra, Jun 21, 2023

I'll start with three quotes from the very inspiring Helen Keller as noted in "Your Year of Healing" book by Amit Sood, MD:

"Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it."

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched -- they must be felt with the heart."

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."

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I have often found that Beatles songs hold gems of wisdom if we listen closely.

Beatles - Here, There and Everywhere
Beatles- The Long and Winding Road
John - Imagine
George - All Things Must Pass, Beware of Darkness

All these were created during an era of relative quietude if one was attentive at the time. I can remember some of the hope of those times and can play these and other tunes and tear up not only for what could have been but maybe for what could be.

I firmly believe that the global inflammation of the species contributes to our individual inflammation and pain.


Cogito, ergo Boleo
I think, therefore I am depressed.

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I used to debate with a colleague whether us folks who ponder and think alot are more prone to all kinds of mental maladies. I still believe this. Too much thinking has its downsides (neurosis, depression via neurosis.....and down the path to more mental angst contributing to existing physical discomfort). Hence, he always thought that ignorance explained the bliss of the unthinking hordes who live and wonder why things are as they are.....without much thought as to causation. I speak but I don't know.


Yes, as of late..regarding getting sucked into the negative drama of others.

"It is not my horse. It is not my rodeo!"


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