Does anyone have a falx meningioma in-between the brain hemispheres?

I was diagnosed with Falx Meningioma cerebral brain

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Anyone else have a falx meningioma brain tumor, and if so what experiences have you had

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I was just diagnosed with the same. I fell and hit my head and that is how it showed up. I went to a neurosurgeon and he said to wait a year and have another MRI - right now it is 11mm. My vision has changed in my right eye but he says that is not the reason. I read others comments about vision changes but the doctors all seem to say that is not the cause. Makes me wonder why there are many of us that are having the same issue.


Hi @gigikocmankokemoor1, I'm tagging @kkenn and @pegorr who may have experiences with meningioma involving the falx cerebri, the brain membrane that separates the left and right sides of the brain.

Gigi, has your care team suggested treatment or are you on active surveillance? How was the meningioma discovered?

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Good morning,
I'm new to this chat. Happy to have discovered this support group.

Couple of weeks ago I had a routine MRI of brain after resection of a meningioma back in 2017. My last MRI in 2021 was clear and no signs of anything, but this time around, something may be growing in the anterior falx, according to MRI report. I'm very nervous and anxious as I have to wait a couple of weeks to discuss report findings and images with my Neuro. The findings say that there is a "plaque-like thickening of the anterior falx with homogenous contrast enhancement, possibly reflecting small meningioma measuring 4 x 10 mm"? Is that a concern you think?



Good morning,
I'm new to this chat. Happy to have discovered this support group.

Couple of weeks ago I had a routine MRI of brain after resection of a meningioma back in 2017. My last MRI in 2021 was clear and no signs of anything, but this time around, something may be growing in the anterior falx, according to MRI report. I'm very nervous and anxious as I have to wait a couple of weeks to discuss report findings and images with my Neuro. The findings say that there is a "plaque-like thickening of the anterior falx with homogenous contrast enhancement, possibly reflecting small meningioma measuring 4 x 10 mm"? Is that a concern you think?


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rox25: I have a 6 x 3 mm. right, posterior falx meningioma. It was discovered at the same time as 2 other meningiomas when I was being screened for a stroke. (Didn't have one) The neurosurgeon did remove one of the meningiomas that was 1/16th of an inch from my optic nerve a little over a year ago. But with regard to the falx meningioma, the neurosurgeon has suggested a watch-and-wait approach. It hasn't changed/grown in a year and a half. So I am at peace with just getting MRIs once a year and monitoring its possible growth. As you probably already know, those of us diagnosed with a meningioma seem to have a tendency to develop others.


I was recently diagnosed because of a fall. My meninigioma is 11mm which is very small about the size of a pea so yours is small. It is in the Flax. My Neurosurgeon said we will watch it and have another MRI in a year. I think that is probably what you will be told.


I was recently diagnosed because of a fall. My meninigioma is 11mm which is very small about the size of a pea so yours is small. It is in the Flax. My Neurosurgeon said we will watch it and have another MRI in a year. I think that is probably what you will be told.

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The neurosurgeon I saw said he will check it in 2 years but my biggest thing is all these issues I have been having which the neurosurgeon says is not caused by the brain tumor

Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer


The neurosurgeon I saw said he will check it in 2 years but my biggest thing is all these issues I have been having which the neurosurgeon says is not caused by the brain tumor

Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer

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gigikoc...just read a recent post and a person wrote that their meningioma grew from 3 to 12 centimenters in 7 months. My neurosurgeon at UCSF wants me to have an MRI once a year to check on my two remaining meningiomas. My point is, I, personally, wouldn't accept your doctor's recommendation of scanning again in 2 years.


I was recently diagnosed because of a fall. My meninigioma is 11mm which is very small about the size of a pea so yours is small. It is in the Flax. My Neurosurgeon said we will watch it and have another MRI in a year. I think that is probably what you will be told.

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nancy333: Thank you for your message. Great to hear that no surgery for you now but just w&w...and that is great news to me as well since mine is a tad smaller than yours and it could also mean w&w. Thank you.


nancy333: Thank you for your message. Great to hear that no surgery for you now but just w&w...and that is great news to me as well since mine is a tad smaller than yours and it could also mean w&w. Thank you.

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@rox25citygal, how are you doing? Any update?


@rox25citygal, how are you doing? Any update?

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Hello Colleen! Thank you for asking. I see NS tomorrow ao let’s see what they say. Hoping w&w.



@rox25citygal, how are you doing? Any update?

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Alrighty then, NS said mass too small and we will just w&w and come back in 2 years for an MRI to see if there is any growth.

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