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Withdrawal caused horrific anxiety, once it struck. The first time it happened, I didn't realize that it was withdrawal because my mother had died and my husband was being tested for a serious condition (which turned out not to be). I was in such a state that I called my doctor and asked for a prescription renewal because I couldn't cope (though I was put on Effexor for hot flashes). Of course, withdrawal symptoms ended and I had sought grief counseling, so that was that. Then, a few years later, I decided to get off Effexor again. I did the same thing--decreased my dosage from 75 mg to nothing over a period of months. Was fine for about two months, then BAM. Literally. Woke up in a panic that was hell for days--nightmares, if I could sleep at all, not wanting to get out of bed, too terrified to leave the house, wanting to cry, shaky, unable to eat. After some time, it struck me that I had felt this way before: after my first effort to end Effexor. When my doctor was no help, I turned to online research and found this post, as well as other valuable online resources, mostly from other patients! including Mark Horowitz's story. The evidence continues to pile up that this is a major issue for individuals who were prescribed an antidepressant without an end date, and without being warned about possible dependency and the difficulty of stopping the drug. See the December edition of Outro dot com's newsletter, Outro Health, which includes this link: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/series/coming-off-antidepressants.
In the meantime, I had to learn to deal with my anxiety--mostly through physical movement of any kind (because sitting and dwelling on it was detrimental), as well as strenuous exercise and deep breathing. Talking about it also helped. Withdrawal symptoms went away when I resumed Effexor up to 50mg immediate release tablets.
Now, more than a year after my second extreme withdrawal episode, I have started my third and final discontinuation of Effexor. I am optimistic because I have an independent pharmacist who is happy to help, and my doctor is willing to prescribe whatever it is I need to end my dependency on this drug. My pharmacist provided an equivalent liquid solution which I can easily decrease by 10% per month. (He used the guidance provided in The Maudsley Deprescribing Guidelines.) That is my plan, and if I need to adjust it, I can. I can even count beads in my leftover capsules and decrease them by 10% if that's what it takes. I know it will take time for my brain to adjust to a reduced amount of this drug, but I am ready to do whatever it takes.

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Replies to "Withdrawal caused horrific anxiety, once it struck. The first time it happened, I didn't realize that..."

NJOYS, Hi. Update & your above post. It took me 4 years to titrate down from 75mg Ven/Effexor XR, as you say , by progressively reducing down. By crushing 3 -2 - 1 capsule beads , diluting them & syringing down at small degradations, from a measuring pot.
Was on Ven / Effexor April 2017 to *Oct 2018, *when titration off started. Got 90% of side effects, titration did not reduce these in any way. 2 years after titration, I was still getting bleeding spots , headaches, anxiety, blurry vision, light sensitivity, dribbling etc, I can go on. BUT, in the past 2 months some of the more minor side effects have stopped. I gather from M. Horowitz & other Professionals / feedback , some years lie ahead before recovery . anxiety persists along with other major issues. CAUTION, weight gain from these meds can in turn, cause high levels of Glucose & possible pre-diabetes. Regards

Njoys, Hi. I was on VEN / Effexor from April 2017. Unbearable side effects = I got nearly all, + the drug was of no use, led me to titrate off. Finishing, end Oct 2022, after DR & Pharmacist oversight of my hyper slow titration regime. BUT, I still get continuos terrible legacy ALLERGIC side effects from VENLAFAXINE. I was only on 75mg. Principally , extreme fatigue all day. 10 hrs in bed. Swollen lips,
Poor short term memory, Brain fog. I have contacted ALL UK Professors involved in this field, incl Royal Coll of Psych UK past President. No reply from Dr Horowitz UK. No help forthcoming. After years of Internet dialogue & research, it appears I am amongst a rare group who react violently to ANY Anti-depressant. Before VEN/EFFEXOR, i was given Mirtazapine, Risperidone & Quietipine . Only 2x pills of each ,gave me Psychosis & eye sight loss. I was Hospitalised @ one point as a result of these reactions. It appears in the rarest of cases like mine, it takes YEARS, after titration, for these legacy allergic affects to stop. AND , these effects go away & come BACK ! I can attest to this , (e.g. bleeding blood spots on head, tight breathing chest,). I have seen (Horowitz) mention 4 years as an average , for these legacy effects to subside in extreme cases. It is clear ,(reading yesterday ), Medical science are still in the dark about the long term adverse effects of these "new gen" Anti-depressants. Has anyone had such experiences as me? & what was / is the prognosis? Thanks