Yes to EstradIol cream, or Vaginal suppositories of same, and water. I find no change with any amount of cranberry, but suggest you continue that. BUT I do have a new protocol and it has worked for me from inception 10 months ago.
Got the idea from this blog over a year ago, and then I'd had a UTI which gave no symptoms at all, and landed me in hospital with SEPSIS for 9 days, and IV antib's for another 6 days. Got a new urologist to give it a try which he did after going through the usual antib's on another 3 infections.
I now take 2000 mg of D-Mannose a day, one with lots of water before eating of having coffee in a.m. Then the other mid afternoon. It is a safe sugar that coats the bladder against the bacteria. Then I also take Methenamine twice a day, after some food if needed. It's between an antibiotic and a sanitizer against the bacteria. I cut back on coffee, only one diet coke per day, a glass of wine few times a year, no lattes. All these I drink only after first drinking half a glass of water. All combined, I am UTI free for 10 months. I'll be 80 next birthday, my problems began seriously only after turning 77.
I also test with medical grade strips every two weeks or so since the one that lead to sepsis and nearly killed me gave me NO symptoms. Keep that in mind. I order Siemen's strips on Amazon,
Good luck to all, especially those who are older with caretakers. It's often difficult to find an MD who will know and try new protocols in any area of health. Get a young one and they will be more familiar with it.
Thank you so very much.