No regrets Heavyphil and I'd most likely do the same thing again given the available information. The diagnosis that I received had more disclaimers than Autopilot on a Tesla, e.g. T1c/T3a why not pick one or the other. Even the designation 'unfavorable' leaves a lot to be desired, just saying G8 would be more objective grading. By not being more clear, the onus is on patients to do more research and make decisions.
My biggest concern is over treatment since I lost a much loved body part that was removed unnecessarily. Now, I practice a great deal more due diligence on any recommendations from the medical community.
It is also clear to me that medical units are siloed and typically focus on their, and only their issues. I've been pre-diabetic for 20+ years and gaining extra weight puts me at risk for heart attack and stroke. When I queried the blood work orders placed by my RO regarding lipids, the reply was something on the order of, "it's not my job man". The team was also suggesting a variety of other diet remedies, like avoiding fiber, that would surely drive up my A1c and cholesterol.
Best wishes and hopes that you stay forever in remission.
Yup, the fiber thing drove me crazy. They are paranoid about gas in the rectum and gut during radiation and I certainly understand why, but I am Joe Fiber and that freakin diet of Rice Krispies, mashed potatoes and boiled green beans really made me want to puke.
I started to gain some weight so I just ate more protein and used non fermentable fiber supplements to stay regular….wasn’t easy! Also exercised every single day - some weights, indoor cycling and walking.
Actually going to Sloan today to pick up my last (6 month regimen) bottle of Orgovyx. Although I am glad it will be done in a month I would be lying if I said that I was not a little apprehensive about going off of it. This stuff really works!