Study suggests hormone therapy may help protect bone health in women

Posted by ctpaul @ctpaul, May 13, 2023

Can hormone therapy protect bone health?
By Annie Lennon on May 13, 2023 — Fact checked by Jill Seladi-Schulman, Ph.D.

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Among the many ironies of the old dictum is that
bio-identical estrogen is actually protective for breast cancer... my dose has just doubled - I'm 86 - for help with osteoporosis and I already am thinking more clearly, having more energy, plus an additional feeling of well-being. One recent day I realized I was feeling exactly like my old self in my late 60s, which was quite astonishing.

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Ithere is so much controversy about bioidentical hormones but in my experience, I have had nothing but positive results if anyone does think of going on on these hormones, please find a good integrative medicine specialist. am also on bioidentical hormones and feel great so far. I have posted my journey before. I started on the creams more than 20 years ago and now have switched to pellet therapy. I can not wait for my dexa this Feb. It will be a year on the pellet. I can't believe my energy level and anxiety etc have improved dramatically. There is so much controversy about bioidentical hormones but in my experience, I have had nothing but positive results if anyone does think of going on on these hormones, please find a good integrative medicine specialist.

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