Hi there. This could be a form of misophonia, or it could be a form of hyperacusis (sound sensitivity with increased volume in thte sufferer's hearing system). It is hard to tell but it sounds more like misophonia. I am just another patient so check with a doctor first in case there is a medical issue.
Are the bass sounds louder for you than in the past? Do you have tinnitus? Hearing loss?
There are forums for all of these issues, both here on mayoclinicconnect and elsewhere.
I have developed noxacusis along with tinnitus. Noxacusis is hyperacusis with pain. My face becomes very painful and numb with certain noises (humming noises mainly, think leaf blower). I recently left a condo I had just bought due to a problem with humming from the neighbor's AC. You are not alone. Check out the hyperacusis forums and maybe misophonia as well.
Masking with your own noise can help. Ear plugs, ear muffs and noise cancelling headphones. Audiologists can do retraining if you have hyperacusis, slowly reintroducing sounds. For that or misophonia, CBT therapy can help, as can meds like Klonopin used judiciously. If you have hearing loss, hearing aids can actually help.
OMGosh! Thank you for the information. I will look into all! Bass sounds are definitely much louder than in the past. Additionally, really loud and gruff music and sounds are uncomfortable. I don't think I have tinnitus and I don't seem to have hearing loss, but have been wondering if I do and just don't realize it. You've given me much to look into and see light at the end of the tunnel!