@wittsend Anxiety and upset stomach/bowel issues are very commonly linked. Sometimes there are actual medical reasons for the tummy troubles, but often there are not. When we get stressed/anxious, it causes a release of stress hormones like cortisol and others in the brain, the limbic system goes on high alert (fight/flight/freeze responses) which releases other chemicals and alters our body's functioning. For example, if in flight or fight mode, the brain tells the body to stop unnecessary functions such as digestion/GI functions, so that all the blood in the body is sent to large muscle groups in the arms and legs for running and fighting (like a petit mom lifting a car off of a toddler or running for your life and finding yourself running faster and longer than you thought possible). This causes a disruption in the GI system causing either constipation or diarrhea.
As another commentor said, it is important to remember to not believe everything you think and feel. Sometimes our brains/minds/bodies send misdirects/erroneous thoughts or outright lies in our minds. Learning the ability to pivot away from the anxiety or stress producing thoughts and toward something that is helpful, meaningful, etc, can kind of reset the brain and the mind. There is quick exercise to help learn this available on YouTube called "Leaves on a Stream", there are several versions, start with the shortest one and work your way up to longer and longer versions as a form of mindfulness and learning to pivot toward meaning and truth. If you're willing to try therapy again, you might look for a therapist who is trained in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT); do some research on this method, Steven C. Hayes, Phd is the cocreator of ACT and has videos available, watch is TED talk, it's very informative. This alone may be helpful. I wish you health and healing, holistically. Best wishes.
That makes sense. I know what I have to do.