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Replies to "@pirone27 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! When things are out-of-normal, it can really be upsetting, right?!..."
Kidney & Bladder | Last Active: Jan 7 3:04pm | Replies (23)
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Replies to "@pirone27 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! When things are out-of-normal, it can really be upsetting, right?!..."
Hi again, I looked at your profile and saw you had kidney disease and have multiple myeloma. I have read that both of these conditions can cause foamy urine. Trying to figure out if i have bubbles or foam. I was leaning more towards bubbles but I don’t know.
Did you ever have foamy urine? If you did, did the foam stay in the toilet after you flush? I read bubbles are flushable and foam is not. Most of my bubbles are popping right away. However, in the morning with my first pee, the bubbles only slightly popped and remained in toilet. I waited 7 minutes then flushed and it went away.
My doctor called me day after Christmas and said my lab results were in and she was pleasantly surprised. She said there was NO protein found. I was confused since she tested it in her office and saw protein but she said the lab is more precise. She said there was no blood found in urine either. And the culture came back good.
I further questioned her about if she thought the bubbles in urine would stop if I continued to not eat all those protein bars but she said no she didn’t think so since there was no protein found. She couldn’t explain the bubbles but didn’t seem overly concerned. I asked if i should come back in a few weeks to get my urine tested again but she said I can call her office to give them an update on the bubbles but if i was that concerned, I should go to a urologist.
When the bubbles first happened, I was home sick with a cold. My mouth felt really dry, but i couldn’t understand that because ai drink lots of water. I drink anywhere between 67-80 ounces a day.
I have all these issues with my bowels and was on miralax for a whole year. I weaned off of it in August and was drinking coffee to help stimulate a bowel movement. I was drinking strong coffee. Have you ever heard of coffee making bubbles in urine?
Also, yesterday I almost thought the bubbles were improving. I couldn’t see them anymore unless I spread my legs and looked into toilet while peeing. By the time, I wiped the bubbles were gone. Today, however, the bubbles are back to how they were before. They aren’t covering the whole toilet bowel but still concerning. It can’t be cleaning products but i am seeing the bubbles in each toilet I use.