Diagnosed with IBS…could it really be that?
Hi everyone. I would love your opinion. Very long story short: in June 2022 I had bariatric sleeve surgery. 4 months later my life completely changed. It started with extreme constipation, severe abdominal pain, trapped gas. It’s been over 2 years and my life is so bad. I am in constant chronic severe abdominal pain with several symptoms with it. From the morning I open my eyes until going to sleep. Sleep is the only relief I get. No matter what I eat or whether I go to the bathroom or not…I am in severe pain. Every single day for 2 years. I was diagnosed with IBS but I feel like I’m dying. I can’t stress how bad this is. I barely go out, barely go to the store and miss many events. My quality of life is so bad. I have been to many doctors and have had many tests done. All negative. Could it be something other than IBS and the doctors have missed it?
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Patriciaannmelt1 - I would not first look to meds for a consitpation/twisted colon fix. I would look to what you eat and drink. Soft, easy to digest, liquidy foods may help you, along with some natural stool softeners like magnesium. Slipperly elm inner bark powder will add slip. Think hot cereal, smoothies and well-cooked soups. Try avoiding dense food like meat and fish and give bread a break. It can take a lot of experimentation. There are a lot of ideas bantered around here. I really think changing what and how much you eat at a time could be a game changer. It has been for me and I have IBS-C and a severely redundant colon. Some others here do to.
Hi Cheyne
Just read your input about severe IBS etc. along with all that you endure and suffer…….wanted to pass along this website, if you haven’t already discovered this remarkable lady.
Google: heathers tummycare.com .
She is obviously younger than I, but has become my new hope, having been diagnosed with IBS threes times over the last two decades by different DRs……and in the end they all just unanimously shake their heads and mumble. “Sorry, there is NO cure…..they all suggest diet, foodmap, fiber, less stress, daily exercise, probiotics, peppermint oils, pain relievers, etc,….. you’ll have to find your own level of comfort, yada yada, yada”. I’m 83 , struggling to stay above 97 lbs and still searching.
Basically, Heather also has suffered and still does from IBS; however, as a lay person, she has done prolific research into the subject and shares her experience, recent developments, new treatments and does sells what has helped her and obviously many others who are obviously as clueless as to where to turn when you hit a dead end. She’s written two books on the subject, (one with cooking recipes) and, if desire you can relieve texts. Both can be purchased on Amazon.
In Sum, by following her suggestions from her experiences, offers new coping ways, recpies etc. but above all, a glimmer of hope and it’s always reassuring to know we are not alone.
Hope someone else can benefit…it’s free to check out her website!
I have reached the end of my health issues road, so to speak. With ANS being the major factor in my digestive system there is no cure and no treatment available, currently. I don't like accepting it but that is undesputably the situation I'm faced with. Now that most of the specialists have given me the shaky arms in the air treatment it is down to me to manage with what I have learnt and know of my health issues and I have researched and tried many "answers" over the years, not many have been of any benefit in the end. Mainly one day wonders untill the body figures out they are a joke.
Believe it or not I did initially cure the IBS but with subsequencially requiring massive amounts of antibiotics to stay alive I have ended up back at square one. The cure for a severe dose of IBS is not plesant or easy as some have found. It needs to be followed to the letter or you run the risk of making IBS far worse.
I have not been able to replicate what I did to beat the initial IBS despite trying twice more. The only treatmant left is fecaltransfer which under the circumstances would be a total waste of time, money and resources now being controlled with ANS. Having allowed everyone time to try their remedies it is now my way and self managment, throwing away all the medications and staying with Omeprazole and plenty of laxatives to go as fast and far, no pun intended! as I can no matter the inevitable consequences. Two weeks off meds and feeling a whole lot better, no more T2 and BP testings, just ignoring it all for a comfortable life, as long as it lasts. Yes some symptoms are becoming more obvious but I think feeling better as long as I can is the best medicine for me.
I feel I will see 2025 after all.
Ditto to what @ebc said above. Heather Van Vorous helped me. I have the opposite - IBS-D.
For those who don't know or realise ANS is incurable no matter what fancy treatment one can dream up. It has transpired that ANS has taken control from what started as IBS for me. I'm in a difficult place with no way out besides which you can't treat the unknown of IBS, you can only play with the symptoms to minimise them. Until what is IBS is actually discovered mitigation is the only treatment. I work on purely scientific proof not anecdotal evidence.
My doctors have been treating me for IBS for a couple years. I don't have IBS. My symptoms are not related to IBS but doctors still want to treat it as IBS.
My symptoms are not related to food. Doesn't change with bowel movements. I am not stress. My symptoms are related to my health condition which is Short gut syndrome. I only have 2ft of my small intestines left but I still have my large intestines.
IBS is not a disease, it is a convenient label given when no other diagnosis fits. I would think it is not the IBS they seek to treat but in fact your symptoms they are trying to manage for you. At least they are trying to help, many of us get left in the too hard bin and are eventually left to our own devices.
There are some dietary restrictions for SBS and I would think that liquified food might help the absorption. The best plan is to do your own research and see what might work for you. My Gastro specialists is still treating me for IBS despite it now involving ANS and they have run out of options. I was pleased to be told I was one of his few clients that got off my butt and tried anything and everything I could to help my situation. Essentially that is what it comes down to, self help in conjunction with the experts. I often ask about various different treatments and remedies to get the Doc's opinion on. Sometimes we are at odds but I usually try anything that sounds like it is a possibility and report back my findings. It gives the Doc a better understanding of what I'm trying, sometimes it is news to him sometimes I get a rye smile. But at the end of the day I can't just sit and wait for a cure that isn't coming anytime soon.
I know IBS isn't a disease. However doctors treating me for IBS symptoms when my symptoms are not due to IBS it makes my Short gut syndrome symptoms worse. Most of the medication for IBS people with short gut syndrome shouldn't take. I only have 2ft of my small intestines and I don't absorb enough fluids in my body for most IBS medications to work.
With the greatest of respect, you don't seem to get it. They are treating your symptoms, not IBS as IBS is just a collection of symptoms with an IBS label, to call it something. Don't focus on the term IBS focus on your symptoms.
I'm treated for IBS symptoms while my Gastro specialist agrees they can't treat my ANS, which is the cause of my symptoms, there is no treatment or cure known. But still they try anything they can for my "IBS". Suppressing the symptoms is all they can try to do. I can only assume that is what they are trying to do for you.
Have you discussed this with your Dr, asking what they are doing and why?
I discuss every option with my specialist and have suggestions I add from time to time. We talk them over and agree on a plan forward for each trial. Mostly with failure but we are still trying and understand each other well now. He knows I'm up for most anything as doing nothing isn't working for me.
Wrong. The doctors are not treating my Short gut symptoms. They want to treat my condition like IBS. I have no symptoms of IBS. IBS is a health condition. I don't have any symptoms of IBS. My symptoms are related to Short gut syndrome. My GI doctor doesn't know much about short gut syndrome.