@srp914 Welcome to Mayo Connect. Ouch! I feel your pain. At our age, any surgery, however minor, has a longer healing time than if we're even just 10 years younger.
I'm going n to guess that at some point today, you were pushing a shop cart - maneuvering really asserts torque on that knee.
There are a lot of home remedies for knee pain -quite possibly the most effective of all is ice. When I finished PT for my rotator cuff repair today, my therapist had me sit and ice I for 15 minutes before I went out to run errands. In fact, I still ice at least 4 times a day, and will continue to do it for at least 2 more months.
Another effective treatment for swelling is "legs up the wall" you can look it up on YouTube. You lie on your back with your legs supported by a wall and relax for 15-20 minutes - the fluid causing the swelling moves back toward you abdomen where it is eliminated by the kidneys.
Finally, if OK with your doc, a knee brace or Kinesio Taping before prolonged activity can support the knee. A PT can show you the most effective taking pattern for you.
What does the doc think I causing the continuing pain?
Good Morning.
Happy holidays. I was interested in this thread as I have a potential ITB problem.
I concur with the advice regarding pushing a cart, maneuvering, icing, and legs up the wall.
I would suggest something other than a brace though. Strengthening the muscles through daily activity avoiding what makes it worse. It would seem that rest from aggravating activities would be in line as well.
I would really think that the cause of the pain might not actually be from the knee but perhaps the complex hip: knee relationship as she had that surgery earlier in the year.
Best wishes and keep with the advise!