Meniscus and IT band repair
I am 70 years old and I had meniscus and IT band repair on October 3 2024.
I had a steroid injection Dec 17 2024 to help with swelling and pain. Knee has felt ok until today, Dec 22 2024. I needed to run errands and by my last stop I could barely walk or put weight on my leg.
I have been lying around most of the day but still painful when I try to walk.
I am beyond frustrated!!
Any suggestions?
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@srp914 Welcome to Mayo Connect. Ouch! I feel your pain. At our age, any surgery, however minor, has a longer healing time than if we're even just 10 years younger.
I'm going n to guess that at some point today, you were pushing a shop cart - maneuvering really asserts torque on that knee.
There are a lot of home remedies for knee pain -quite possibly the most effective of all is ice. When I finished PT for my rotator cuff repair today, my therapist had me sit and ice I for 15 minutes before I went out to run errands. In fact, I still ice at least 4 times a day, and will continue to do it for at least 2 more months.
Another effective treatment for swelling is "legs up the wall" you can look it up on YouTube. You lie on your back with your legs supported by a wall and relax for 15-20 minutes - the fluid causing the swelling moves back toward you abdomen where it is eliminated by the kidneys.
Finally, if OK with your doc, a knee brace or Kinesio Taping before prolonged activity can support the knee. A PT can show you the most effective taking pattern for you.
What does the doc think I causing the continuing pain?
Thanks for the reply!
I have to admit I have also been going down a slight hill to feed my goats so I’m sure that has added to my pain.
A home health person came to my house but only showed me two exercises to do. The doctor printed out some exercises to do.
I tend to have a lot of fluid on my knee for some reason that’s why he gave me a steroid shot.
I’m going to start icing again and staying off of it as much as I can, I hate doing nothing!
Again, thank you!!
Good Morning.
Happy holidays. I was interested in this thread as I have a potential ITB problem.
I concur with the advice regarding pushing a cart, maneuvering, icing, and legs up the wall.
I would suggest something other than a brace though. Strengthening the muscles through daily activity avoiding what makes it worse. It would seem that rest from aggravating activities would be in line as well.
I would really think that the cause of the pain might not actually be from the knee but perhaps the complex hip: knee relationship as she had that surgery earlier in the year.
Best wishes and keep with the advise!
EXACTLY- going downhill is worse than going uphill for the knee! (Both are not good at this stage of the game.)
Are your goats free range or fenced? If they were free range- they would come to you (LOL)
Do the exercises. Does not matter how many you got-jsut do them and be consistent.
REST is doing something - so keep doing it and do the exercises.
Hi srp,
Sorry for what you're going through. I'm 70 y/o as well and had both knees replaced in 2022. My right hip is getting replaced in Jan 2025. All osteoarthritis-induced. In my 30s and 40s I ran marathons. Tore up my cartilage in knees, hips, and lower back.
Can you elaborate on what was done to your meniscus and ITB? That would be helpful.
For now, ice and elevation are your friends.
But please do let us know what was done to your meniscus and ITB. I'n guessing you had your knee scoped to remove small tears in the meniscus. Not sure what was done to your ITB.
All the best.
Goats are in a pen and don’t have anywhere else to put them that isn’t downhill. ☹️
Those must be some loved creatures. Give yourself as much tax!
Sorry. Tender Loving Care
Meniscus was torn and ITB needed cleaned up.
I did a lot of marathons in my 30s and 40s. I also inherited osteoarthritis and that did me in. I had a few scopes to repair a torn meniscus and a Baker's cyst, and in one case, the meniscus was damaged so badly it had to be removed.
Eventually I was bone-on-bone. I had good days, mostly bad days, and pulled the trigger on TKRs in 2022. Had both knees replaced, 4 months apart, and the results have been great. No impact sports, but I do spin a lot for cardio health. Best thing - no more pain.
Has your Dr. discussed a TKR? I'm no Dr, but when I got to the point of constant pain with no other remedies, I just had the surgeries. The rehab is key - gotta hit it hard and immediately after surgery.
All the best to you.