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May I ask what the process was for being diagnosed so specifically? I have terrible reactions to adhesives

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My daughter determined that she was allergic to the pine tar (AKA Colophany, Rosin, and many more names) found in many adhesives and glues when she had quite a reaction to Elmer’s Wood Glue, but never reacted to their white glue. She did some digging on the internet and determined that the pine tar was the common ingredient in many of her reactions, including working in our yard moving tree trimmings. We did not do any testing. Rosin powder is commonly used in sports and violin/cello, so it is widely available if you wanted to see if you react to pure colophany. A quick internet search showed the multitude of products that can contain it including dental products, feminine products, diapers, laundry soaps, paints, varnishes, cosmetics, etc. Unfortunately even hypoallergenic products can contain it.