@yaseminkilinc How unfortunate, when I was your age I had a couple of facial wounds and was very self conscious about them. I was lucky to have a young sympathetic dermatologist who understood.
Let me assure you, wounds look quite bad as they heal, but please avoid the urge to cover yours with cosmetics, or to try a lot of creams and lotions. Find one simple moisturizer, Vitamin E oil is a good one, and gently dab it on the scab and surrounding area once or twice a day. Avoid touching it otherwise, which is very hard to avoid.
Once the wound is healed, and the scab is completely gone, there are silicon products that can be used on the scar to improve the appearance. Silagen is one brand that is pretty expensive, but works very well. There are some others but I am not familiar with them. The trick is you must use them faithfully, day and night for 3 months or longer.
At what stage is the healing today?
You're so kind, thank youu < 3 I've been trying to take care of the wound myself, but it just won't scab over and keeps bleeding. I'm planning to see a plastic surgeon on Monday.