Tooth pain and Neuropathy
Every evening my front teeth, top and bottom, become very sensitive, like a toothache. Within a few hours my feet begin tingling, throbbing-classic neuropathy pain.
Could this be related? I have my first set of appointments at Mayo next week for this, and other pain issues. I am really hoping for answers.
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I have had these little bouts of nerve pain which feels like it's high above the tooth line but one very weird thing is if I rub my left eye I feel the slight nerve jolt in my a tooth which is very strange to me. I can also scratch or rub a area on one part of my body and feel a nerve spark in a completely different part of the body. If anybody has had this and have been told what it is I'm interested don't want to go to the doctor they will just prescribe another drug.
I appreciate your information. I've been to an ENT about my dry mouth (I'm down one salivary glad since I was 13). It all seemed like Sjorgren's but that biopsy (I thought it was in the lower lip?) put me off. I will look into Pilocarpine.
You’re right, it’s inside the lower lip. I just read about it again, and you are left with stitches in your mouth, only soft foods for a week, etc. Nope. Not interested. Right now I’ve been dealing with carpal tunnel release issues - had surgery over five weeks ago and the site continues to be inflamed, with burning nerve pain. Not interested in more pain.
I’ve been tested for Sjogrens antibodies twice and those are negative.
Hello, I have been experiencing nerve pain jn my teeth for 18 years now and cannot get a diagnosis. It started with teeth sensitivity and in a few months the nerves of my teeth feel like they are on fire! My tongue burns too. The pain is like a searing, stinging and numbing pain. I can't seem to get any relief. A few years later I began to experience neuropathy in my feet and more recently, in my hands. As a matter of fact, when I hold my cellphone or touch the mouse on my computer, my hands burn.
I've seen over 40 doctors, dentists, neurologists, internists, homepathic, integrative physicians and even seen physicians from the Mayo Clinic. The only confirmed diagnosis is lyme disease and EPV. I've spent thousands of dollars on treatments over the years and still I am in constant pain. I had to quit my job and move in with my elderly father. There has to be a way to get answers and more importantly, some relief.
Can anyone help me?
@spicegirl3 I have also had pain in my jaw and teeth, and that seems to be coming from my neck and tight shoulders exerting pressure through my jaw. I have worked with a physical therapist on it. You can have tight facsial tissue that exerts pressure on your body. MFR (myofascial release )is a way to loosen that tissue, release the compression and ease the pain. Here is our discussion.
Neuropathy - "Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) for treating compression and pain"
Thank you, Jennifer for providing the link and reaching out. Is there a practitioner that I can seek out in my area that could provide some help with my issues? I also suffer with tinnitus, too!
Jennifer, I went to a cranial sacral therapists for 4 treatments. What you described in the link is very similar. I didn't see much improvement and in fact, it seemed to stir things up by the 3rd treatment so I quit going.
@spicegirl3 There is an MFR provider search at