I was ill for 4 1/2 years, on prednisone and did very well. It was hard to come off it but I did it. Then, thanks to my local hospital closing their rheumatology department I lost my hematologist. Not that it was a problem, my tests had been normal for several months. But, I still have something but I feel it's other than PMR. But I have determined to live with it and am trying to get my life back. This week I have managed to give my home a deep clean, which after 5 years of neglect it needed. I had to do each room in small bites but got it done nevertheless.
It hasn't all been negative, when they said that people, if they became infected with Covid19, did better if they weren't overweight. Having lost 40 pounds, and then reaching 130 pounds prior to diagnosis I felt comforted by that. Also, when people where complaining about being locked down I really didn't bother me as I didn't feel like going anywhere. I'm grateful for both of those things.
Now, I still have bad days and the occasional melt down, but who doesn't. At 80 I have a whole agenda of old age hurts to handle but I have put up with so much over the last few years, I feel like I am up to it.
Well, that's about it. Looking forward Christmas even though I can't eat all the wonderful things that have made Christmas special in the past. Have worked on several recipes to take their place.
Merry Christmas to you and welcome back. Praying for you. Blessings....