Unusual Presentation of DCIS
I'm writing to make others aware of what I think is probably a very unusual presentation of DCIS. I started with a slightly sore breast. Next morning my breast was more tender and looking a bit red on the top. By the second day it looked like someone beat my breast. Red on the top, bruised underneath (I'm small). I couldn't touch it. I was diagnosed with cellulitis by infectious disease and then saw my breast surgeon. She had removed previous benign tumors. An incredible dr, she literally kept me on the table for 4 hours. Called in another dr. to get opinion. Nothing was showing on mammo/ultrasound(won't describe that pain with cellulitis). They couldn't explain it. She sent me home with instructions to come back monthly for 6 months. After month 5, I said Im fine and didn't go back. Almost a year to the day, I woke up with cellulitis again. I knew what to do, went to infectious disease and got antibiotics. My drs are all part of NYU and unbeknownst to me, she sent my report to my breast surgeon. Next day at 8:30 BS's office called and told me she wanted to see me immediately. I balked and said I was fine as it was Thanksgiving week. She repeated my breast surgeon wanted to see me. Wasn't happy to have to go that week, but I did. Well, I was diagnosed that day. I had a nuclear grade 3 with cancer cells in 1 node. It was caught early. I don't know if anyone else has had anything close to this. My dr can't explain the cellulitis, but it probably saved me. Pay attention to any changes/pains etc. I just want to make everyone aware of an unusual presentation. Be vigilant and if you feel there's more there, find another dr and another dr until you're satisfied. I'm blessed to have one of the top breast surgeons in NYC. I credit her with being cancer free 10 years later.
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Wow, @cob13 I am so glad you persevered through this. I agree that you should never just take no for an answer if you believe something is wrong. My doctor ordered a mammogram…… there is something there but round lobular and not concerning. Then a needle biopsy……….negative. Excision biopsy……grade 3, her2. IDC. In the days before herceptin was frontline therapy, this was a poor prognosis, with cancer in the internal mammary nodes, and a tumor anchored to my chest wall. If my doctor had not insisted on removing it, I shudder to think how fast it could have been all over.
I am now 20 years from original diagnosis. Thank you for sharing this version of don’t take no for an answer.
@cob13 Thank you so much for sharing the experience. It’ll certainly help someone who experiences a similar situation. Your drs are very knowledgeable and dedicated. I’m not sure many are like that. I never thought DCIS could spread to lymph node! Cancer is very sneaky! Mine, IDC, was found through self breast exam. But you can’t detect DCIS with self breast exam and sometimes not even mammogram! So glad yours was found early!
Wow, thank you for sharing. Thats a very interesting story for diagnosis, thank goodness your body was trying to tell you something is wrong.
I didn't think it could spread to lymph nodes either. My dr assured me not to worry about it. but the report came back risk of micro invasion. Still not sure what it means and couldn't get a real explanation. But when it happens, it appears to be very confusing for everyone! I'm 10 years out. Still vigilant, but fine. And it is sneaky. And yes, my doctor is wonderful. Extremely dedicated, but extremely rare today. I was blessed to have her. Years before BC I had a tumor she was watching. I had been to several drs because of 20 lb weight loss, shaking, anxiety. No one could diagnose me and everyone said I was fine. When I went to her, and she is strictly breast, she examined my whole body. She found a hurtle cell tumor on my thyroid. Rare type. She called for a biopsy right then and there. Wish everyone could have a dr like her! I wish you well on this journey....