Pathology report had Grade II DCIS and Grade I Invasive Ductal

Posted by texas5 @texas5, Dec 13, 2024

Anyone have both and what were you told about the significance of this?

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Similar ! Have you seen your oncologist yet?
In Feb 2024, I was diagnosed with grade 3 DCIS then after my first lumpectomy, grade 2 invasive ductal was also found nearby. Treatment completely depends on the size and nature of the invasive cancer, I believe. Mine was 1.2 mm, hormone negative, HER2+ … my oncologist felt radiation treatment was the best option after lumpectomy. Unfortunately I couldn’t get clear margins after 3 lumpectomies and ended up having a bilateral mastectomy in October. The pathology from that resulted in atypical lobular hyperplasia (ALH) in my OTHER breast… which is a precancerous condition, I was glad I made the decision to have them both removed.


@texas5 my original diagnosis had both. Similar to @meg55 mine was worded like they were separate focals, or it seemed that way to me at the time. My original biopsy was an excision so it was quite a large amount of tissue. I didn’t really understand it at the time. Now I know that it is one of the ways cancer grows. It start another little area (dcis) that then can grow into invasive which can then send out more cells and it begins all over again. Sometimes they are close together and sometimes more diffuse,
This can be used by your doctor to help guide your treatment plan. Have you met with oncology yet to discuss treatment options?


You may have already answered this. I find it a bit hard to concentrate because of the side effects I’m having from the treatment since my post bi lateral mastectomy. Im sure there a lot of you have had a similar experiences. It’s such a strange feeling and I had a difficult time trying to explain how I was feeling. I credit this group to help me find the words brain fog.


Sorry, I forgot to ask the question. I was wondering if your doctor explained the possibly of the cells scattering from the procedure


No my surgeon did not speak about tyr DCIS only to the IDC.
He said he got it all and he achieved clear margins reflected on my pathology report.
So yes of course I worry so much about this now but he reassures no cancer.
This is the reason I am concerned about the fact there was both DCIS and IDC.
You asked if I spoken to oncology and yes and all I was prescribed was Letrozole (AI Inhibitor)

May I ask about your tumor characteristics.
Mine were Stage 1 - Grade 1 - ER PR positive - Her2 negative - 14mm

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