Therapy and therapist are so individualize. The first therapist I went to I choose because a now deceased friend introduced used years earlier. My thinking in choosing her was if Barb trusted her I can trust her. I do trust her, but her style would piss me off. She had me heading books. Some I really liked others were just dumb. She diagnosed me with generalized anxiety and labeled me codependent. She was very focused on how many sessions I had. She believes it should only take 15 to 20 sessions to be better.
I was frequently annoyed with her. I didn't feel like I was learning any skills for dealing with anxiety or my anger. So, I started asking Google what I was supposed to be happening. That's when I discovered writing. In between my sessions I would write about my past. It was very eye opening. I would bring my writing into the sessions and read it to her. I did get valuable information and self acknowledgement while in her sessions, but I always had that feeling of annoyance.
I decided to fire her. I went into the session nervous. I like her as a person. I just don't think her style was right for me. But when the sessions started she started counting how many there had been and she says Denise how do you feel about graduating today? She discharged me before I could fire her. That was a perfect ending.
Six months later I'm still not feeling right. The inflammitable bowel disease clinic I go to hired a therapist. I have been seeing this person off and on for over a year.
Both therapists are clinical licensed social workers and their approach is so very different.
I'm live in a metropolitan area, St Louis, MO. I have choices. What I'm discovering is that not all of you have choices. What I'm discovering is that our healthcare system is lacking. In St Louis we have choices, but it takes months to get a new patient appointment, unless your primary makes the referral. But the last time I called my primary for an appointment which was in October I couldn't get in until April. My primary did get me into a GYN quickly, it took a month. She didn't see me she just had her staff call with the referral.
When I was dealing with a bowel obstruction and getting no relief for the doctors I was assigned while in the hospital after I was discharged I called over a dozen GI offices. The wait time was 4 to 9 months. Even today now that I'm established with a GI I can't see her for months unless I'm claiming I'm having a GI crisis.
I would love to blow up our healthcare system and replace it with one where doctors are allowed to be Doctors. I would remove Doctors from being controlled by large medical systems and let them practice good medicine that doesn't have them counting minutes.
I would get rid of for profit health insurance. Maybe we go back to mutual insurance companies where the insurance companies are owned by the insured or maybe we move to I universal healthcare or a combination of the two. I think we have proven for profit healthcare doesn't work for the ill.
Denise, what you said is so true. A lot depends on personality and style. Honestly, I have had only one therapist who I started to see in late 2022. She has been wonderful. She is incredibly patient with me. I also bothered your therapist did not show interest in your writing. Writing has been a great source of reflection and expression. Before one-on-one therapy, I was in partial hospitalization program which was only moderately helpful.
Sorry to hear you are having GI issues. I know they can be debilitating.