I hear ya. My friends/family are confused with PMR, since they've never heard of it. Fortunately, they know it's not a mental thing. Before I acquired it, I was that person going 110 mph. I was diagnosed with PMR and GCA the end of July 2024 and was started on 60 mg prednisone. A month before then, I would spend a couple of hours doing yard work, then had to spend the rest of the day in my recliner. I'm a golfer too. I couldn't get down to pick my ball up without severe pain. In September, I was able to start golfing 9 holes. That was my limit before major fatigue set in.
I've been able to taper to 8 mg. When I got to 20 mg., my rheumatologist told me to step down 1 mg. every two weeks. That worked until I got to 8 mg. (which I'm on now). I'm going to slow down the taper. From what I've learned in this group, once you get to lower doses, it's best to increase the time with your step down. I also started taking 3 mg. at bedtime and 5 at lunchtime. I notice, I don't wake up so achy, as when I was taking the entire dose in the morning.
There's some good discussions in this group regarding 'tapering'. Good luck to you.
I was tapering from 15mg prednisone, going good til I hit 5 then had to return to 7, went t kevzara, now that is all I take, until this cost hike!