Hi Jeffmarc,
Thanks for your thoughts and reply. Do a little reading on TESTOSTERONE to see why it’s important to maintain men’s overall good health, (not just health).
Also look up HYPOGONADISM in men. Explains the problems associated with a man’s health if his TOTAL TESTOSTERONE is too low and doesn’t fall within the normal limits. For example, even if a man is at the lower or lowest level of normal it doesn’t mean that he has enough “T” to maintain good health and or be at his best health. Of course, every man is different to some degree. However, given that the lowest level of normal “T” is about 300, my level of 20-90 is self explanatory.
I’ve never read about or heard about any man on ADT who feels well or certainly great. Without exception, they feel mostly pretty weak, no energy and no sex drive amongst other things.
This forum is designed to share information which some men may or may not be aware of. Others are seeking some points of view or advice from men who are more experienced with PC than others. There is no best treatment protocol for any man, just the best for him or at least, initially perceived as the best options for him.
As I stated earlier, regarding my continuing disabilities of the past 34 years. There aren’t any established or recognized cures or proven treatments to substantially benefit patients with very serious cases of CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME and or FIBROMYALGIA. You can have a surgical procedure done to correct or improve CHIARI MALFORMATION. Mine was a combination of head, neck and brain surgery which did assist me. As a result of addressing the serious neurological problems associated with “CM,” my overall health netted some improvement. However, that just addressed one of my debilitating challenges.
Although TRT isn’t prescribed for CFS or FM, if a man has HYPOGONADISM, he can treat it pretty successfully with TRT and enjoy the benefits that normal levels of Total T can provide a man.
As you may know, they prescribe ADT to men with PC who are utilizing radiation for PC treatment. As a result, they try to get there patient to a level of “medical castration”
so he can achieve the lowest levels of Total T in his body.
My body without utilizing TRT already places me in a state of medical castration. There’s not much room to go lower from 20 to ZERO!
So, every man should do as much research on all areas pertaining to PC and the various treatments available to manage their PC. There’s no “one size fits all!” So far, the choices I’ve made have worked out well for me but there’s still downsides and after effects whether you pursue the surgical or radiation route. Some men are more blessed with a milder case of PC while others, unfortunately, have very advanced cases. The seriousness of one’s disease calls for different and or more aggressive treatment protocols than others.
To digress for just a moment. Many men who do not have PC or other health challenges and or disabilities still utilize TRT to address their HYPOGONADISM and feel measurably better as a result.
Within reason, one can pursue whatever avenues of medical treatments to improve their overall health as much or little as they choose. There are some men who choose to do absolutely nothing regarding their PC. Although that wouldn’t be my choice, I certainly respect any man’s choice to deal with his PC however he sees best..
I would never purport to anybody that I am an expert on PC and its various treatment options. However, after talking with many PC patients, based upon my observations of the depth and or lack thereof regarding their overall knowledge on the subject. I am somewhat amazed at how little effort some men put forth to learn about it and to become as educated as they otherwise could. However, again, that’s their personal choice.
I wish you the very best and appreciate the time and thoughts you’ve shared with me and others on the forum.
While some tolerate it better than others, nobody here loves low testosterone, so I don't think there's any disagreement.
We put up with low T only because we want to stay alive (especially those of us with mCSPC). And to be fair, rough as it is, ADT is much milder (and more effective) than the treatments people have to endure for most other stage-4 cancers.