Paraneoplastic Diseases

Posted by ersingh @ersingh, Nov 11, 2024

Has anyone been worked up for paraneoplastic diseases as a cause for their neuropathy/radiculopathy. My neurologist thinks this is what I need to do next, but what I am seeing online looks like a lot of expensive tests and uncertain answers.

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That's rough. Sorry you are going through this.. Get well very soon.

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Cancer and paraneoplastic syndrome symptoms happened ten years ago. @chrisanon thank you. My current testing was negative! I am looking for other reasons for my symptoms, mainly coming from the cervical region most likely.


I was diagnosed with paraneoplastic syndrome, anti-physian diagnosis in 2011. Diagnosed with breast cancer. Went through chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery for removal of mass. I am thankful that they found out that I had paraneoplastic syndrome. I probably would not be here right now. Just do the testing, it could save your life.


Cancer and paraneoplastic syndrome symptoms happened ten years ago. @chrisanon thank you. My current testing was negative! I am looking for other reasons for my symptoms, mainly coming from the cervical region most likely.

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Same thing is going on with me. They did Immunotherapy/chemotherapy treatments. To make sure that they got any cancer starting that they could not fine. I think that any other people praying for me saved my life again.

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