Please know this is not the death sentence it once was. There are, quite literally, hundreds of things that can cause a nodule that size that are not cancer. Only a biopsy can determine if it is a malignancy. A biopsy sample would will be sent for biomarker testing to determine where the DNA broker down that caused the cancer. Some biomarkers respond to targeted medications that the patient can take a pill for.
My stage 4 lung adenocarcinoma was diagnosed in 2010, so 14+ years ago. There are new treatment modes that give patients longer progression free and overall survival. IF this is cancer, it's possible that this is still a lower stage cancer, you won't know until all testing is done.
To move things along, call your primary care doctor, ask them to expedite an appointment with a pulmonologist if an appointment hasn't already been made for you. The pulmonologist will guide the diagnosis process, including scheduling a CT and a biopsy. If that is positive, they will schedule a PET scan and an MRI to look for any metastases.
In the meantime, you might consider taking up some form of meditation. It can be something as simple as breathing exercises. It can help keep the scary "what ifs?" away and keep you focused on the present. There are free apps you can pick up for your phone or computer.
Please let us know what you learn. There are many here who have been where you are now and will have experience to share that can help you.
Sending hope for the best possible outcome.
Thank you for all that advice. I think I was very lucky that they found it. 1.7 cm