FIRST OF ALL, sincerest thank you for your service to our country. My father was with the army, served in WWII and the Korean War, and my only sibling Luís was a Marine. They both are my heavenly angels.
In regard to your pain, what is it that you take a daily dosage of 1800mg?
May I suggest you try the Vick's rubbed onto your feet, including your painful soles? Works for my husband, but I detest the odor (and of any other ointments), so I've used Vick's only when in intense pain. It IS effective! I know how upsetting it can be to have the soles burn and tingle...that happens to me every once in a while, especially when lumbar area nerve pain is severe. Can't stand and definitely can't walk. I do find that putting legs up high against the wall (in family room) really helps to reduce the intensity of the pain/burning. While I'm lying on the floor (tush close to wall and legs leaning straight up on the wall), I extend my arms out to either side of body, and focus on relaxing my body, starting with the toes/feet, etc, one area at a time, taking slow breaths, concentrating on releasing tensions from each body part, until I finally reach the top of my head, and just LET GO , feeling the cranial/facial, etc areas just MELT into such a pleasant state of relaxation. Nice to have soft music in background, but not require. Point is to help yourself in a self-directed exercise which for me is soooo heavenly. You can do this when not in pain also, as a gentle and effective way to promote "self caring"...SLOWLY get down from wall, wiggle your way toward a position where you can sit up and get up from floor. Stay sitting for a few minutes, breathing and enjoying how great your relaxed body feels (might not be totally pain free but definitely better than before!)
I wish you wellness, and peace.🙏🏽🌺
Thanks. The 1800mg is Gabapentin, but really doesn't address pn pain. It was prescribed for migrsine/chronic headaches.
I was on Tramadole but stopped that due to side effects of more headaches, constipation,xand difficulty urinating.
I'm currently doing aquatic therapy which helps some, but I don't see it as a long term solution.
I try to stay active, and intend to pick up my pace of exercising.
I'm open to suggestions.
I'm open to suggestions.