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Hi Harry-
If I am correct you started the antibiotics around February 2024. What antibiotics did they suggest for you? What type of bacteria did they say you were treating with the meds?
How did it go, what is the result so far.
Have you been consistent, hard to do sometimes, with nebulizing and airway clearance.
Do you do any type of exercise also?
Overall it is somewhat difficult to compare how one person does with the meds to another because we may not all do the same things in trying to avoid harmful situations ...as an example of things: hot water tank bacteria, shower head bacteria.....or do all we are told and suggested to do.
I myself have adjusted the tank temperature and drained it once so far and also make sure the shower head and hose have dried out before I take my shower. I also eat healthy 95% of the time and do take supplements. I wear a N95 mask 90% of the time I am out and around people.. that 10% is when I get brave enough to eat out in a restaurant.
I have often said that in order for the doctors to truly understand all regarding us in order to diagnose and decide on a course of action....they would need to follow us around for a couple of days and nearly the same for us to be able to compare ourselves with each other and how we are doing. Good luck to that.
Hope you have good news for yourself to tell me.

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Replies to "Hi Harry- If I am correct you started the antibiotics around February 2024. What antibiotics did..."

Hi Barbara,
The medicines were the standard "Big Three": Azithromycin, Rifampin, and Ethambutol.
I am on them seven days a week. They said I had MAC, but didn't say any subspecies.
I give them three sputum samples every two months. My last round from October said
two out of three were negative, so that's an improvement.
I nebulize twice a day, at 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. 15 minutes of Albuterol, rest 15 minutes,
and then 30 minutes of 3% saline. I was doing 7% for six months and started coughing up
blood for a week, so the doctor switched me to 3%. Maybe twice a day I do the
Aerobica for five minutes.
Try to get to the gym 3-6 days a week. Leg press, Triceps press and treadmill; 10 minutes at
1 mph.
My son drains my water tank every three months and we keep the temperature at 140 F.
Soak the shower heads in 100% vinegar every three months for 5-10 minutes.
Hardly ever wear a mask. Lots of trouble breathing with one.
My O2 sat runs about 94-95 until I walk from one room to anther and then it can
go down to 86-88.
Hope this helps.
As Sue says, "we are all different".