Can I get a tattoo before RF Albation
Hello, I have multiple tatttoos currently and I have never had a issue with my tattoo's healing or trouble having anything heal. I have a tattoo scheduled (a year in advance) for my lower section of upper arm. But I got scheduled to have RF Ablation on my C4-5 c5-6 just 3 days after the already scheduled tattoo. Since the tattoo and the ablation are not in the same area and I can also wear a 2nd skin (transderm patch that many nurses where to cover their new ink while working ) during the procedure which will take 30-60 mins max and I am not fully knocked out for the procedure. Will this be okay or do I have to reschedule to make them farther apart. I get regular Botox and occipital Nerve blocks and have never even considered my tattoos as any kind of risk but I just want to make sure. Thank you
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You are certainly entitled to do whatever you wish with your body. I just don't quite understand the fascination with getting one's beautiful skin covered with tattoos. Plus, the cost of all those inks is enormous. Just think what could be done with that money. Again, you are free to ink. Just think carefully about it.
@wink7841 the only concern I would pose to you is the off chance you developed an infection from the tattoo procedure prior to another invasive procedure. If any potential infectious bacteria was introduced into your blood stream I certainly wouldn’t want that with my spine being accessed. I’m just a cautious retired nurse and you’re looking for a concern. Do the tattoo afterwards or which is more important to you? And good luck with your ablation I hope it decreases your pain.