Alpha lipoic acid for Neuropathy

Posted by bjbates53 @bjbates53, Oct 8, 2022

I have had CIDP for 20 years and have done fairly well. But when I have a setback, my legs are very weak. In the past, I have found ALA caps to help me a lot. However, I have reflux and can't tolerate it. A pharmacist suggesting putting the capsule inside an empty capsule and see if that would help. It did not. I take it with food and lots of water. Still causes problems. Has anyone tried ALA as a tablet and had success with it? Any other suggestions would be welcome. I also take Cerefolin NAC.

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From eirrol — I recently found out about R -lipoic acid from Mayo Connect. My kidney doctor agrees that many people have been helped with their neuropathy using it and he has given his ok for me to try, but he says there have been rare cases of it harming the kidneys. So he wants me to have blood work after using it for about 3 weeks. Wish me luck. I will have you folks on Mayo Connect to thank, if it works. I ordered the Pure Encapsulation brand and the R - lipoic acid as mentioned on Mayo Connect, not the Alpha lipoic acid to try to avoid the heart burn. So expensive, but ordering through Amazon so at least will save the shipping charge. There are solutions out there , if we just keep trying.

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My kidneys were severely impacted by ALA. Pretty rare but you are fortunate that your doctor was aware of this. My protein levels dropped dramatically. Had a biopsy. Very frightening. Slow recovery but I’m grateful my urologist figured it out.


Has anyone with non-diabetic peripheral neuropathy found relief using R-Alpha Lipoic Acid? I just purchased some online and looking forward to giving it a shot...


Has anyone with non-diabetic peripheral neuropathy found relief using R-Alpha Lipoic Acid? I just purchased some online and looking forward to giving it a shot...

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Hi! I have used Alpha Lipoic Acid recently since more than one week and waiting for results. Since I descontinued statin in 14/11/2024, I have noted some relief.


Hi! I have used Alpha Lipoic Acid recently since more than one week and waiting for results. Since I descontinued statin in 14/11/2024, I have noted some relief.

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@fferreira, that's great news! What product are you using? I purchased Immunovites 600 mg R-Alpha Lipoic Acid capsules.


@fferreira, that's great news! What product are you using? I purchased Immunovites 600 mg R-Alpha Lipoic Acid capsules.

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Minha cardiologista prescreveu 2 vezes ao dia, de manhã e à noite, 1 cápsula de 600mg. Fórmula manipulada. Total = 1200 mg.
Me diz, seu problema de neuropatia periférica é em decorrência do uso de estatina?
I write from Brazil, so if you could translate from Portuguese to English, it's better. Thanks.


Minha cardiologista prescreveu 2 vezes ao dia, de manhã e à noite, 1 cápsula de 600mg. Fórmula manipulada. Total = 1200 mg.
Me diz, seu problema de neuropatia periférica é em decorrência do uso de estatina?
I write from Brazil, so if you could translate from Portuguese to English, it's better. Thanks.

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@fferreira, thank you for the information. No, my issue is either peripheral neuropathy or radiculopathy caused by disk issues in my lower back. I'm praying that the R-ALA can help my situation. I'm 43 years old with two young children. I've never felt so anxious or depressed. I'm an active person and I currently feel frozen with fear.


@fferreira, thank you for the information. No, my issue is either peripheral neuropathy or radiculopathy caused by disk issues in my lower back. I'm praying that the R-ALA can help my situation. I'm 43 years old with two young children. I've never felt so anxious or depressed. I'm an active person and I currently feel frozen with fear.

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Olá @boilerup!
Entendo sua agonia! Investiguei também minha coluna lombar e houve ortopedistas que me disseram que o problema estava na minha coluna. Acreditei nisso. Mas, depois de algum tempo, confirmei a polineuropatia nos nervos tibial e sural de ambas as pernas, direita e esquerda. Daí, comecei a desconfiar que poderia não ser a coluna. Quando fui a um excelente neurologista, com pós doutorado em Harvard ele me afirmou que não seria coluna. O mais provável até o momento é a estatina, confirmada por minha cardiologista. Portanto, não se desespere. Você é novo e capaz de se recuperar com uma boa orientação médica. Mas se, de fato, for coluna, não vejo outra alternativa, senão operar. Estamos juntos neste barco, sofrendo com essas dores neuropáticas terríveis. Vamos continuar conversando. Estou a sua disposição para trocarmos ecperiências. Abraços!


Has anyone with non-diabetic peripheral neuropathy found relief using R-Alpha Lipoic Acid? I just purchased some online and looking forward to giving it a shot...

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I switched from timed release ALA to the R-ALA. Everything was fine for about 6 days...then I experienced horrendous insomnia, as in suddenly wide awake, feeling pepped up, having to get out of bed. Horrible! This continued for about a week. I thought about "what's new" in my routine, medications, supplements...and it hit me that the only "new" factor was taking the R-Ala. Looked up info and found that indeed insomnia has been reported by users, along with a few other reactions. So I stopped taking it altogether. In addition, I took an additional tablet of cyclobenzeprine (1-mgs) which rheumatologist had OKAYED if I had increased fibromyalgic pain....I only took 10 mg b/c it would make me super groggy on following day. Anyway, I took 20 mg of the cyclo and NO ALA. On third night, managed to sleep 4 hours straight. Still not wonderful but sure beats only 1 to 2 hrs of sleep. I'll continue assessing and hoping that sleep gets restored to what I was used to (5 to sometimes 6 hrs)...meanwhile no R-ALA or regular ALA either.


Olá @boilerup!
Entendo sua agonia! Investiguei também minha coluna lombar e houve ortopedistas que me disseram que o problema estava na minha coluna. Acreditei nisso. Mas, depois de algum tempo, confirmei a polineuropatia nos nervos tibial e sural de ambas as pernas, direita e esquerda. Daí, comecei a desconfiar que poderia não ser a coluna. Quando fui a um excelente neurologista, com pós doutorado em Harvard ele me afirmou que não seria coluna. O mais provável até o momento é a estatina, confirmada por minha cardiologista. Portanto, não se desespere. Você é novo e capaz de se recuperar com uma boa orientação médica. Mas se, de fato, for coluna, não vejo outra alternativa, senão operar. Estamos juntos neste barco, sofrendo com essas dores neuropáticas terríveis. Vamos continuar conversando. Estou a sua disposição para trocarmos ecperiências. Abraços!

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Thank you so much, @fferreira. I greatly appreciate your willingness to talk. I'm scheduled to see a second neurologist and a spine surgeon next week. I'm just praying these doctors can provide some relief.

It's comforting to know there are others dealing with the same condition, but also so incredibly sad at the same time. I wouldn't wish this upon anyone!


I switched from timed release ALA to the R-ALA. Everything was fine for about 6 days...then I experienced horrendous insomnia, as in suddenly wide awake, feeling pepped up, having to get out of bed. Horrible! This continued for about a week. I thought about "what's new" in my routine, medications, supplements...and it hit me that the only "new" factor was taking the R-Ala. Looked up info and found that indeed insomnia has been reported by users, along with a few other reactions. So I stopped taking it altogether. In addition, I took an additional tablet of cyclobenzeprine (1-mgs) which rheumatologist had OKAYED if I had increased fibromyalgic pain....I only took 10 mg b/c it would make me super groggy on following day. Anyway, I took 20 mg of the cyclo and NO ALA. On third night, managed to sleep 4 hours straight. Still not wonderful but sure beats only 1 to 2 hrs of sleep. I'll continue assessing and hoping that sleep gets restored to what I was used to (5 to sometimes 6 hrs)...meanwhile no R-ALA or regular ALA either.

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Hi @delia74, thank you for sharing your experience! Did the R-ALA provide any relief from numbness or weakness for the short time you used the supplement?

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