Everything we do, what we eat, where we go, who we love. how we love, the medications we take.
Who gets care and who doesn’t.
Where we live even where we’re buried.
Everything is controlled by one thing capitalism, and the profit motive.
Try to find one thing in your life that is not influenced by capitalism and the profit motive, and you’ll understand how in insidious the beast has become.
The scorpion sits, on the back of the frog.
The scorpion has forgotten, but the frog can adapt.
The scorpion cannot we are the frogs, the scorpion is capitalism it is time we sting back.
Enough already it’s time for us to Thrive.
We are the frogs that sting back, and we will force capitalism to join in our quest to thrive and be subsumed by abundance.
It is going to happen. It’s just a question of how hard those at the top going fight back.
I know we are that frog.
You will live in peace in good health soon.
Thank you.
dfb -
If you've read The Thick and the Lean, you will also see this theme (though we didn't focus on it in our podcast episode)
Dr. Denise Millstine