Venlafaxine is a drug, and, as a drug, it can create not only addiction, but also and definitely physical dependence, you can't just stop venlafaxine and hope that you will be magically ok, you have to do tapering, and consult with a psychiatrist, I have just stopped consuming venlafaxing after a slow tapering, I was taking 1/4 of 75 mg of venlafaxine (1 pill), which is already have to cut, one week in and I'm still taking paracetamol (pill for the headsche) (here in uruguay), but, ince I did tapering,since I gradually reduced my consumption of the pill, my withdrawal effects hasn't prevented me from sleeping or working as I always should, I just have a headache if not taking paracetamol, the headache is becoming less painful as each day passes, so that's a very good sign
TOTALLY concur that Effexor is not a drug one should just stop taking, must be tapered over a period of time under supervision of a doctor. Can have devastating effects, including cardiac issues which can result in death. Even after last round of medication (using the tapering method) you will still have residual effects. Do NOT be tempted to go back to the medication. It took me MANY MONTHS, WITH HELP OF A TRUSTED NEUROLOGIST, who created a "schedule" for me, and regular follow up visits. It was hell, but so worth it to be finally out of the jaws of that evil drug.