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Hello all,
Thank you, Your topic is helpful. While i have heard of anosognosia and tell myself several times a day that “hes not being argumentative on purpose” it seldom helps me. I pray daily for a gentler attitude and patience. We bicker way too much and i feel very lonely due to that. I have no one to confide in, they just want to hear happy things from me so that’s who i try to be.
MCI with petite epileptic seizures that are under control with meds. Diagnosed one year after our marriage 14 years ago. His memory was bad prior to our marriage so hes had MCI at least 15 years now. He's healthy and as busy as a bee, volunteers, and tries to solve problems that we don’t need solved! I have not done well alllll these years. Various stages of grief to say the least. He thinks his only problem is forgetfulness. I feel like a prisoner of a high functioning, muddled brain man.
No i don’t agree with the phrase “its a privilege to be a caregiver”. Its a horrible disease that i do not want anyone to be part of! My husband had brain injuries in childhood that Dr. think is his cause but they do not really know. Trying to find a neurologist so i have someone monitoring his symptoms. I believe he will outlive me and thats does concern. He is 69 and i am 67.
Hugs to you all for letting me rant.

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Replies to "Hello all, Thank you, Your topic is helpful. While i have heard of anosognosia and tell..."

I agree with you that this is not a privilege, it just happened and here we are so I'm left to deal with this mess.
We need to rant in a safe place; go for it!
I'm in the angry stage of grieving my once-intelligent husband who no longer touches me nor engages me in conversation. I miss him and he's right next to me.
Hugs all around.