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Hello @lilgrizz

I can understand the difficulty in differentiating between the various disorders and symptoms. Regarding MS, you are in good company with the MS discussion. Here is a website from the National MS Society regarding flare-ups, pain and some of the treatments that help, http://www.nationalmssociety.org/Treating-MS/Managing-Relapses. Many of our members have treated with different meds and exercise routines. Water exercise tends to be very good, as the water keeps you cool and yet you can work on range of motion which is so important.

What type of physical therapy and/or exercise programs have you tried?


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Replies to "Hello @lilgrizz I can understand the difficulty in differentiating between the various disorders and symptoms. Regarding..."

Thanks for the link to the website. gonna check it out here in a sec. As far as physical therapy or exercise goes there has been none. I have either been to lazy, to tired, hurting to bad, or .....you get the picture. I can come up with a million excuses to stay OUT of the gym. I know exercise would be tremendously beneficial and my dad said he would pay for my gym membership just today if i promised that i would go. So tuesday me and my mom and dad are all starting exercising. Wish me luck.