EPI flares
Are flares common and what causes them? I have bern taking PERT for several months now only to have a terrible flare with diarrhea all night. Is this common with this disorder. Would brussel sprouts be the culprit. Just can’t figure this out…
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I have only been taking Creon for 11 days but, have seen improvement; reduced rapid gastric emptying (dumping syndrome).
I am careful not to take more than a few sips of liquid while eating ; to reduce bloating, cramps and urgency to use the restroom.
If you have not investigated trying the LOWFOD diet, I would suggest it. The Creon and Lowfod diet, with generic peppermint oil from CVS, did wonders for improving sudden bowel urgency. At this point, I may have leakage only 2 or 3 times a month, but there are occasions where it stops completely for as long as two to three weeks, with improved energy for the same duration. No soda, low sugar, no fried foods. I stay away from garlic and onions as those seem to increase urgency severely.
Can I ask how you use the peppermint oil. Most of the time I have constipation but I will have sudden urges. If I took the oil, would that constipate me more? Thanks!
I take it 30 minutes before I eat. If I forget to do that, I just take it with the first bite of food along with Creon.
Not sure if Peppermint Oil would cause any issues but a lot of people with IBS seem to take it this way. Maybe ask your doctor or Google search for possible side effects, but my gastro doctor suggested that I try Peppermint Oil and it seems to help. I had a major EPI / IBS flare-up last summer with stomach pain and urgency or even immediate voiding with zero warning. Low Fodmap diet and Peppermint Oil were added to my regimen, along with Miralax nightly and things started to improve within a few days. I now have fewer IBS type of issues and less constipation.
From what one pancreas specialist said, this seems par for the course. As these symptoms have been intermittently occurring for some time, it is a welcome relief after the last horrific flare-up, which lasted a month.