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I wish I could post had great results with WEGOVY but can't. Started with .25 then .5 then 1. and now on 1.7.

I don't eat much for breakfast as I exercise about 2 hours each morning 6 days a week. When I come home really hungry for lunch. I wonder why no reduction in appetite for lunch. I do notice at dinner there is a slight reduction in appetite and how much I eat.

So how much weight have I lost for over 3 months on WEGOVY. ZERO (0). I have 2 more injections of 1.7 and then move on to highest dose WEGOVY has 2.7. I checked with my PCP and he says I am probably one of those that needs to be on the highest dosasges for results. I am not sure of that but hope so but not doing to wait relying on WEGOVY

What I asked myself (yep talk to myself all the time) okay the WEGOVY is not working like I expected and I am just spinning wheels. So my inner self talks to ther other self and "says go back to what was working before and just don't rely on WEGOVY". Okay the other self says, "that is hard but got to get weight off." So back to watching the type foods I eat. I take a long look in mirror before I succumb to snacks. And I up my exercise even more. I just started this and hopefully will see some weight reduction (I weigh once a week).

Might I say I had rapid weight gain when I got COVID (first time even though took all shots and boosters). The COVID (which was bad enough) caused a really bad sinus infection, which caused a really bad bronchial infection. Repeated rounds of antibiotics, prednisone, inhalers and 3 months of no physical activity, and eating anything to make me feel better and coat my extremely sore throat. Then rapid weight gain.

I am not sure the COVID did not screw up my metabolism. I asked PCP to do test and have those test coming up. I have always been able to lose weight it is just keeping it off. Now the scale does not move. Hopefully my back to what worked in past will work again.

Please! I have read post of wonderful things that weight loss drugs have done for many and don't want to damping that method of weight loss. But looks like for me not going to work and have to use what does. Just have to keep healthy. Being active 6 days a week to no exercising and snacking is a killer for me. My throat during COVID was extremely painful and horrendous cough so ate soft ice cream for relief. Yes knew better but when really sick the last thing you thing about is losing weight.

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Replies to "I wish I could post had great results with WEGOVY but can't. Started with .25 then..."

That sounds frustrating. I’d be confused too, since I’ve heard great things about this med and weight loss.

I hate a plateau. I’m close to my goal weight and it’s so illusive. It’s time for me to strip it down to the basics of journaling my food and closely counting every calorie. I’ll keep working out, but I’ve always heard you can’t outrun a bad diet. I won’t stop now.

What do you think you’re going to do next?

I can understand why your frustrated. I would think with all the exercising and reduced calories, you would be losing weight.

I found an article that talked about why weight loss medications may not work for everyone.
4 Reasons Weight Loss Drugs Aren't Working for You
You mentioned your PCP is going to run some test, that is good idea.
Do you know if he included a thyroid (TSH) test ?