Prescribed Tymlos after Evenity

Posted by hollygs @hollygs, Nov 17, 2024

I completed a one year course of Evenity in September 2023. I switched endocrinologists afterwards, and he prescribed Fosamax after a brief discussion. I contacted the doctor who had prescribed Evenity, and he advised that I come to the office. He prescribed Tymlos, which I have now been on for 8 months. I changed my medical insurance to Medicare, and the doctor who prescribed both Evenity and Tymlos doesn't take it. I went back to the doctor who prescribed Fosamax after Evenity and he freaked out and said Tymlos is NEVER given after Evenity. His colleague in the same office concurred. He then ordered Prolia. I contacted the manufacturers of both Evenity and Tymlos, and they were very considerate and informed me that to their knowledge, there have been no studies about using Tymlos after Evenity. I am currently on a wait list for a new endocrinologist. I have a history of vertebral fractures and I need dental work, and I don't want to be on Prolia. I can finish the remaining months of Tymlos, or switch to Fosamax and wait and see what the new endocrinologist recommends. Needless to say, the situation is not ideal as I'm winging it. That being said, I know that treatment for osteoporosis is complicated and we patients have to be our own advocates and do a lot of research. I'm not opposed to that, but I'm not finding any information for protocols that have a progression of Evenity to Tymlos and then? If anyone has any information to share, I'd really appreciate it.

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@hollygs A couple of more points. First, your doctor who was alarmed at the Evenity followed by Tymlos situation wanted to switch you right away to Prolia, has a very different set of fears than I have.

I see your current sequence as unproven to be beneficial but definitely not proven to be harmful. Where as Prolia is proven to have two serious possibly life altering problems. Extremely rapid loss of bone after discontinuing Prolia and the potential for multiple fractures in addition to the bone loss.
Prolia is the one that scares me.

Also why immediately switch to another med. Why not find out if the Tymlos is working or not? That's the reasonable path in my opinion.

Second, you mention Fosamax and dental work. I just want to check whether you mean "invasive" dental work like tooth extractions and implants or above the gum line work like fillings and crowns etc. Bisphosphonates and Prolia are of concern with the invasive type but not crowns and fillings. You probably already know this but I wanted to mention it just in case. Good luck!


Hello @hollygs . Thank you so much for your kindness and reply. Yes, I am in a very tough situation. Never expected nothing like this. I been working with pain specialist and he tried a few things which all failed and made me worse. My pain is none stop and all my medical team don’t offer anything but Tramadol and now Norco ( I didn’t take this yet). But Tramadol doesn’t work anymore. I never took anything like this before and it makes my stomach very upset. My hands are shaking and I really don’t know where this all is going. My endocrinologist told me that I can start Tymlos right after finishing Evenity. I was looking for information everywhere and not much studies done. The most doctors offering the opposite. Tymlos and then Evenity. I been searching if anyone in this group has any experience with this kind of sequence. Thanks God you wrote to me. My -5.1 T score is very scary. Please tell me how soon you started Tymlos after Evenity and what was the outcome. It is very hard to live with this pain. I was very active and outgoing and for the past 7 months I stopped going anywhere except doctor’s appointments and this is very sad and depressing. Thanks again for any advice and input.

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@sunny65 It sounds like you've been very proactive about your care, and that's wonderful! I was put on Fosamax after Evenity by a new-to-me endo, but I had been told by my previous metabolic bone specialist that he would put me on Tymlos after Evenity. I switched back to him and started Tymlos 6 months after stopping Evenity. This delay was because it took a while to see the doctor and then to have Tymlos approved by my insurance. I responded well to Evenity and my T score went from - 4.5 to - 3.2. I won't know anything about how the Tymlos worked until my next DTX, and even then everything is relative and long-term improvement is the goal. I have read that the usual interval after Evenity is 4 weeks, but I have not heard that from a medical proessional so am not sure. Your labs and a new DTX will inform your doctor about your response to Evenity. You are correct, there is very little information available about the use of Tymlos after Evenity. As I previously mentioned on this thread, I contacted the manufacturers of both drugs and was told that currently there are no studies available about the Evenity >>Tymlos sequence. I will say that at a certain point, I was extremely stressed out about all of this. I had a painful spinal fracture, multiple rib fractures, bone marrow edema and fractures in one foot and other conditions. I could barely get around and yet I was going from doctor to doctor to labs, radiology, PT, OT and so
on. Finally, one day I paused and realized that the stress was making me worse. I could barely function, I was exhausted and I couldn't do all of this. I decided to eliminate stress, and relax as much as possible. I took a break from all the medical stuff except getting the Evenity once a month, listened to music, meditated and focused on positive things and eventually I was calm, not overwhelmed and better able to proceed with my life. I hope you will gift yourself compassion and kindness. You're handling an awful lot, and you've been very strong. You don't need to carry it all the time.


According to my doctor, 6-8 weeks wait after Evenity for another drug.

And I was told I could stop Evenity early since it is not anabolic the whole time.

I hope you can discuss with your doctor!

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Hi @windyshores ,
Actually , my endocrinologist called me today. He is concerned to stop Evenity now because insurance might cancel coverage on Evenity and then don’t approve Tymlos, because they both anabolic . He still insists that my increased pain is due to fractures not a side effect of Evenity. I am thinking to call insurance and ask if they would approve Tymlos in the middle of my treatment. Besides he worries that insurance might not approve Tymlos even I finish all 12 months of Evenity for the same reason. He said that I might have to go on Prolia after Evenity which I completely was against but again he stated that Prolia rarely causes back pain. Not sure if our conversation was that productive . I am going for my MRI next week and if there are no new fractures, I am going to call him back and maybe ask again. All I know that pain I am going through is not sustainable for a long time and something needs to be done.


@sunny65 It sounds like you've been very proactive about your care, and that's wonderful! I was put on Fosamax after Evenity by a new-to-me endo, but I had been told by my previous metabolic bone specialist that he would put me on Tymlos after Evenity. I switched back to him and started Tymlos 6 months after stopping Evenity. This delay was because it took a while to see the doctor and then to have Tymlos approved by my insurance. I responded well to Evenity and my T score went from - 4.5 to - 3.2. I won't know anything about how the Tymlos worked until my next DTX, and even then everything is relative and long-term improvement is the goal. I have read that the usual interval after Evenity is 4 weeks, but I have not heard that from a medical proessional so am not sure. Your labs and a new DTX will inform your doctor about your response to Evenity. You are correct, there is very little information available about the use of Tymlos after Evenity. As I previously mentioned on this thread, I contacted the manufacturers of both drugs and was told that currently there are no studies available about the Evenity >>Tymlos sequence. I will say that at a certain point, I was extremely stressed out about all of this. I had a painful spinal fracture, multiple rib fractures, bone marrow edema and fractures in one foot and other conditions. I could barely get around and yet I was going from doctor to doctor to labs, radiology, PT, OT and so
on. Finally, one day I paused and realized that the stress was making me worse. I could barely function, I was exhausted and I couldn't do all of this. I decided to eliminate stress, and relax as much as possible. I took a break from all the medical stuff except getting the Evenity once a month, listened to music, meditated and focused on positive things and eventually I was calm, not overwhelmed and better able to proceed with my life. I hope you will gift yourself compassion and kindness. You're handling an awful lot, and you've been very strong. You don't need to carry it all the time.

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@hollygs ,
Thank you for response. You are right about stress. The most is due to pain and thinking that I am going to be bedridden for the rest of my life. I am not sure if Evenity is the cause of my pain but definitely contributing to it. My lower back pain started a couple months before Evenity. I slipped and fall in 2022 I thought that I fractured my back but x- rays didn’t reflect fractures. I found out about fractures in my vertebrae at the beginning of 2023 after bone scan. They hurt but stopped in a couple of months. My doctor wasn’t concerned so much and told me to see endocrinologist in the future and do DEXA test .It was very busy time between my very sick mom and job- so I didn’t go for a few months and when my DEXA test last September came out -4.8- everyone got concerned. But I didn’t have so much pain. I know it doesn’t do any good blaming myself now. But I delayed to start medication - Evenity till July . It took time to find a doctor and insurance approval. I went and had another DEXA test in October ( after 5 injections) and my T score was even worse ( same place I had the first one) -5.1. . Not sure what to make of it but endocrinologist is saying that it’s not about numbers but about fractures. I am still seeing my pain doctor on Monday and later next week MRI. After that I decide if I insist to go on Tymlos or finish Evenity and then see if I will be approved Tymlos or have to do something else. I tried to meditate but so far don’t doing much. I probably should try harder to fight my stress.


@hollygs A couple of more points. First, your doctor who was alarmed at the Evenity followed by Tymlos situation wanted to switch you right away to Prolia, has a very different set of fears than I have.

I see your current sequence as unproven to be beneficial but definitely not proven to be harmful. Where as Prolia is proven to have two serious possibly life altering problems. Extremely rapid loss of bone after discontinuing Prolia and the potential for multiple fractures in addition to the bone loss.
Prolia is the one that scares me.

Also why immediately switch to another med. Why not find out if the Tymlos is working or not? That's the reasonable path in my opinion.

Second, you mention Fosamax and dental work. I just want to check whether you mean "invasive" dental work like tooth extractions and implants or above the gum line work like fillings and crowns etc. Bisphosphonates and Prolia are of concern with the invasive type but not crowns and fillings. You probably already know this but I wanted to mention it just in case. Good luck!

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@awfultruth Thank you for your reply. I agree with your points. I too have grave concerns in regards to Prolia. The concern in regards to Tymlos before or after Evenity is that you may start to produce abnormal bone. Tbh, the timing of introducing certain new medications seems to be lacking standard protocols and is up to the doctor's discretion. In my case, I'll do a DTX and TBS after I complete the first year of Tymlos. And in regards to Fosamax and dental work, that endo believes that you have to be off it for any dental work and that's unreasonable. Luckily, I have found a new metabolic bone specialist.


@hollygs ,
Thank you for response. You are right about stress. The most is due to pain and thinking that I am going to be bedridden for the rest of my life. I am not sure if Evenity is the cause of my pain but definitely contributing to it. My lower back pain started a couple months before Evenity. I slipped and fall in 2022 I thought that I fractured my back but x- rays didn’t reflect fractures. I found out about fractures in my vertebrae at the beginning of 2023 after bone scan. They hurt but stopped in a couple of months. My doctor wasn’t concerned so much and told me to see endocrinologist in the future and do DEXA test .It was very busy time between my very sick mom and job- so I didn’t go for a few months and when my DEXA test last September came out -4.8- everyone got concerned. But I didn’t have so much pain. I know it doesn’t do any good blaming myself now. But I delayed to start medication - Evenity till July . It took time to find a doctor and insurance approval. I went and had another DEXA test in October ( after 5 injections) and my T score was even worse ( same place I had the first one) -5.1. . Not sure what to make of it but endocrinologist is saying that it’s not about numbers but about fractures. I am still seeing my pain doctor on Monday and later next week MRI. After that I decide if I insist to go on Tymlos or finish Evenity and then see if I will be approved Tymlos or have to do something else. I tried to meditate but so far don’t doing much. I probably should try harder to fight my stress.

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You're doing an amazing job during a very stressful time. Radius, which is the manufacturer of Tymlos, has a program called Radius Assist. In the event your insurance doesn't cover Tymlos, they offer patients who qualify financial assistance. Their number is: 866-896-5674. I've found them to be very helpful. There are also state programs available that you can look into. Best wishes to you as you continue on this journey. I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving.


@hollygs A couple of more points. First, your doctor who was alarmed at the Evenity followed by Tymlos situation wanted to switch you right away to Prolia, has a very different set of fears than I have.

I see your current sequence as unproven to be beneficial but definitely not proven to be harmful. Where as Prolia is proven to have two serious possibly life altering problems. Extremely rapid loss of bone after discontinuing Prolia and the potential for multiple fractures in addition to the bone loss.
Prolia is the one that scares me.

Also why immediately switch to another med. Why not find out if the Tymlos is working or not? That's the reasonable path in my opinion.

Second, you mention Fosamax and dental work. I just want to check whether you mean "invasive" dental work like tooth extractions and implants or above the gum line work like fillings and crowns etc. Bisphosphonates and Prolia are of concern with the invasive type but not crowns and fillings. You probably already know this but I wanted to mention it just in case. Good luck!

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This is one of my fears with Polia (from My immune system is already on the deficient side.

"Yes, Prolia (denosumab) does appear to weaken your immune system. Research has shown people who take Prolia are at an increased risk of serious infections leading to hospitalizations, including serious infections of the skin, abdominal, urinary tract, and ear. There is also a higher chance of developing endocarditis (an infection of the heart’s inner lining, usually involving the heart valves) in those who take Prolia, and those with advanced kidney disease have an increased risk of severe, life-threatening, low calcium levels (hypocalcemia) developing, particularly if they have a metabolic condition called chronic kidney disease-mineral bone disorder (CKD-MBD). For some side effects, people administered concomitant immunosuppressant agents (such as prednisone or cyclosporine) or with impaired immune systems may be at an even higher risk.

Doctors may need to consider discontinuing Prolia in people who develop serious infections or other severe side effects."


Hi @windyshores ,
Actually , my endocrinologist called me today. He is concerned to stop Evenity now because insurance might cancel coverage on Evenity and then don’t approve Tymlos, because they both anabolic . He still insists that my increased pain is due to fractures not a side effect of Evenity. I am thinking to call insurance and ask if they would approve Tymlos in the middle of my treatment. Besides he worries that insurance might not approve Tymlos even I finish all 12 months of Evenity for the same reason. He said that I might have to go on Prolia after Evenity which I completely was against but again he stated that Prolia rarely causes back pain. Not sure if our conversation was that productive . I am going for my MRI next week and if there are no new fractures, I am going to call him back and maybe ask again. All I know that pain I am going through is not sustainable for a long time and something needs to be done.

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I would echo the info on Radius Assist though you need an MD to prescribe. Doctors seem nervous to prescribe protocols that aren't well tested. We need more research!

This is a great comment from @awfultruth:
"I see your current sequence as unproven to be beneficial but definitely not proven to be harmful. "


@awfultruth Thank you for your reply. I agree with your points. I too have grave concerns in regards to Prolia. The concern in regards to Tymlos before or after Evenity is that you may start to produce abnormal bone. Tbh, the timing of introducing certain new medications seems to be lacking standard protocols and is up to the doctor's discretion. In my case, I'll do a DTX and TBS after I complete the first year of Tymlos. And in regards to Fosamax and dental work, that endo believes that you have to be off it for any dental work and that's unreasonable. Luckily, I have found a new metabolic bone specialist.

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@hollygs Hi, I've never heard of producing abnormal bone. Could you direct me to the source of that information? And, I'd love to hear your results after a year on Tymlos.


This is one of my fears with Polia (from My immune system is already on the deficient side.

"Yes, Prolia (denosumab) does appear to weaken your immune system. Research has shown people who take Prolia are at an increased risk of serious infections leading to hospitalizations, including serious infections of the skin, abdominal, urinary tract, and ear. There is also a higher chance of developing endocarditis (an infection of the heart’s inner lining, usually involving the heart valves) in those who take Prolia, and those with advanced kidney disease have an increased risk of severe, life-threatening, low calcium levels (hypocalcemia) developing, particularly if they have a metabolic condition called chronic kidney disease-mineral bone disorder (CKD-MBD). For some side effects, people administered concomitant immunosuppressant agents (such as prednisone or cyclosporine) or with impaired immune systems may be at an even higher risk.

Doctors may need to consider discontinuing Prolia in people who develop serious infections or other severe side effects."

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@normahorn Wow! Early on I saw the problem about multiple fractures with Prolia and that seemed like such an overwhelming "NO!!!!" that I didn't look closely about other issues with it. People considering it really need to do through checking.

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