Radioembolization Is My Next Step

Posted by nana120 @nana120, Nov 16, 2024

Updating my journey with NETS as the headline indicates the August 21 bland embolization did not have the results we hoped. Dec 5 I will have a “mapping”procedure to see if I’m a candidate. Anyone with personal experience to share would be appreciated.
NOTE: My profile photo changed to my Halloween costume as a unicorn zebra. It reflects both my cancers of CLL & NETS! I hope it gives everyone a smile! 🦓❤️

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuroendocrine Tumors (NETs) Support Group.

I had y-90 treatment on both sides of my liver. Mapping was done and couple weeks later one side of liver was treated 30 days later other side was done. Mapping and procedure is similar not fun but tolerable. I unfortunately had a couple rare side effects from the second treatment. Extreme fatigue is the only problem I had from the first treatment. Second treatment i had 1 radioactive bead got loose and caused a radiation ulcer in my stomach on top of the ulcers I already have from functioning pnets (gastrinomas) recovery was rough! However treatment worked very well! I had it done September 2022 and the many tumors I have had some shrinkage or been stable since the treatment. Gastrin levels have been reduced from the 1800s to the 250-300 levels. I would do it again if needed


My husband had a 50% tumor burden in his liver. He had radioembolization done in 2010. It was hugely successful, killing nearly everything and keeping the rest stable for 6 years. He had alot of fatigue and some pain but it was tolerable. Best of luck to you!


@nana120, I love your new profile picture - your Halloween zebra costume is perfect.

In addition to the radioembolization experiences that @lindabees and @kevinmonroemi, you might also be interested in these related discussions:
- Y-90 liver cancer treatment: What's your experience?
When do you start radioembolization treatments?


I’m just doing the mapping procedure on Dec 5 to determine if my tumor is receptive. This will be the fourth different procedure/medication tried. So far nothing has affected it to slow growth.


Thank you for keeping us posted. We are all on similar journeys, and it helps tremendously to hear how things are going. We are all pulling for you! Keep up your courage, hope and faith!


I’m just doing the mapping procedure on Dec 5 to determine if my tumor is receptive. This will be the fourth different procedure/medication tried. So far nothing has affected it to slow growth.

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Good luck stay positive!

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