Celiac woes
My son is 6 months into his Celiac diagnosis. He is dealing with it as well as can be accepted but it really is a lifestyle altering change . Following the regimen is manageable at home but travelling very unnerving . We are researching new ways of determining if there is gluten in the food you are about to eat by using some gluten detector if there is such a thing .
There is a site The GLUTEN FREE RESEARCH GROUP GLIADIN ….but after looking more closely at this wondering what else is out there
Any thoughts on this ?
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My kid has had celiac for 20 years. It is not that hard these days since gluten free products are so accessible. (Canyon Bakehouse has the best bread.) People don't understand it and think it is an allergy. This works okay though in restaurants. We seek pizza only from restaurants that have a separate oven (they could also use tin foil) and tell servers NO cross contamination. Again, they are thinking of anaphylaxis and that is just fine with us.
It is necessary to check medications for hidden gluten.
There are websites with lists of ingredients that may contain gluten (maltodextrin, caramel color many others.). Sometimes a product with maltodextrin will specify it is made with corn, not wheat.
It takes awhile to heal after diagnosis and some food allergies (to dairy) went away in time,
Yes maybe twice a year some take-out or bought food contains a tiny amount of gluten and my kid gets really sick. We know it can be microscopic! But overall they do not find celiac to be limiting. Friends are conscious of it and are really considerate in what they provide for meals.
Does your son also have type 1 diabetes?
There are several natural remedies available. Research. Doctors are human and don’t always have the right answers to our ills.
@quirosnora4 I have never heard of a natural remedy for celiac. It is an autoimmune disorder that attacks the villi in the GI system. The remedy seems to be avoiding even the most minute amounts of gluten. Curious what you are referring to.
Thanks so much for your lengthy interesting reply.No my son does not have diabetes🙏
Just asking about any new devices to detect hidden microscopic gluten in foods. Some scientist should invent a detector and take it in Dragons Den
It seems we have to rely on food companies detecting it. That trust is sometimes misplaced but overall "gluten free" labels are pretty reliable. Maybe such a device could go on Shark Tank!
if you find one be certain to post!
but you will become an expert in no time. no worries. just have to read a lot of labels and always be aware.
i have been doing this for a very long time. it is the times you forget to be vigilant that always bite you.
Websites that are helpful are celiac.org (Celiac Disease Foundation), gluten.org (Gluten Intolerance Group). There are others but these are excellent. Look up Alessio Fassano, He's the one who did the research in 2003 that documented the amount of celiac in the U.S. He's the head of Center for Celiac Research in MA.
When going out to eat, the findmeglutenfree app is helpful. Also ask before you go to a restaurant about their providing gluten free. It's amazing how today some know little and others, are well versed.
There are devices that purport to detect gluten....but it involves putting a small sample of your food in the detector, so if it actually works it only detects what's in the sample you put in. Most celiac specialists don't recommend them.
Thanks so much, i may resort to bringing a sniffer dog to the restaurant. That would go over well. 😂